Applying GClip to snare


Jun 15, 2010
Hi guys,
I use Superior Drummer and Cubase LE 4. Cubase LE 4 doesn't let me multi-out my drum kit, and in the Superior Drummer Mixer, GClip doesn't show up under "inserts."
In my mixes, I always notice the snare cutting through when at its' highest velocity, thus creating problems during mastering.
I want the snare to be loud, and clear, and audible, and fuckin' HURT from the impact, but I don't want it to cut through!
Any help?
I don't know how you have set up superior, but maybe you haven't given separate output for each kit peace or bus of kit peaces inside mixer window.
after that I think you gan get multi-out into cubase.
After I change the snare [in the mixer] to, lets say, output 4, how do I go about applying GClip to only that output?
well if you can't multiout superior, than you can't use gclip on the snare, superior is a closed architecture and you can only use the five plugins supplied with it

get reaper or sth, and use multi-outs
But seriously, why the fuck do you want to clip the snare. Such a lame ass idea.

i dont think there is such thing as a "lame ass idea" in music. it's all about experimenting with new ideas, and if it ends up sounding good to you, then there is nothing lame about it. i mean really, i have randomly experimented with some radical shit that ends up for the better.

hahaha great link :D

But seriously, why the fuck do you want to clip the snare. Such a lame ass idea. Do it right and you wont have to clip it!!!

The only thing that comes to mind when you say "doing it right" is just decreasing the volume of the snare. Tryna make it so they FEEL the snare but it DOESN'T clip.

hahaha great link :D

But seriously, why the fuck do you want to clip the snare. Such a lame ass idea. Do it right and you wont have to clip it!!!

Nah, it can actually sound great on some projects where the snare can really shine when you clip it slightly.. sometimes it works, sometimes it wont.. but it's not a lame ass idea. :dopey:
WTF, clipping percussive instruments like the snare is incredibly common and not a lame ass idea at all.

Its all good guys :D I don't think i would do it anytime soon though ::Spin:
Yeah, I had that problem with LE 4 for a while too, only with SSD.

In Superior, just solo the snare and any room mics, bounce it to a separate track, and use GClip on that track. Mute the snare in SD, carry on as usual.