April 7th (Clip) (Corelia/Haunted Shores-esq, Strat, Legion, SD2)


has the groove.
Jul 11, 2011
Glasgow, Scotland
I started listening to too much Corelia, if that's even possible. And using far too many triplets. I felt like recording something and this was the result.

Hopefully when I get time I'll flesh this out into a new song.
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sounds like a total mess, very little separation between instruments.

Um, sure, okay. First time I've heard that one.

Could you possibly elaborate on what you think could be done to make it sound less like a mess please, and why you think so? I feel that all opinions are valid and since I've not heard this one before, I'd like to hear your reasoning behind it. Cheers.
Hey, really like the lead sounds you've got going. I've tried with no avail to get the super djenty sound at 1:04 and 1:20 many times. How do you get yours so clean and perfect sounding? The really quick stop start thing. Thanks!
Hey, really like the lead sounds you've got going. I've tried with no avail to get the super djenty sound at 1:04 and 1:20 many times. How do you get yours so clean and perfect sounding? The really quick stop start thing. Thanks!

Cheers dude

It's just a combination of really tight playing and edits. With djent, a lot of guys edit really sharply on precise, quantised note values like 16ths. Of course, you have to play it well in the first place for it to work.
kick has too much low end. sounds like the bass and kick are in the same exact range. really the kick just bugs me big time.
damn this is definitely in the vein of haunted shores. digging.

Thanks man! I kinda took the more melodic style of Haunted Shores and mixed it in the the 'flurry of notes' style Corelia riffing :)

kick has too much low end. sounds like the bass and kick are in the same exact range. really the kick just bugs me big time.

The kick and the bass aren't in the same range, I know that for sure. And if you really think so, how would you remedy it? I was hoping people would be more helpful as opposed to saying 'it's a mess and it's all wrong' and leaving it at that :err:

Also, it's the first time I've heard complaints about the kick low end and I've been told to expect different production tastes on the Sneap forums, so I'm going to put it down to that. Cheers for commenting though dude!
The kick and the bass aren't in the same range, I know that for sure. And if you really think so, how would you remedy it? I was hoping people would be more helpful as opposed to saying 'it's a mess and it's all wrong' and leaving it at that :err:

I feel the same way, there is alot of criticism without telling what could be done or how it should be done.. not very constructive..
I liked the mix, kinda twangy guitars, the only "problem" i have is that the bass isn't seperated enough, kinda muddy lomids. More clarity, more focus on string/attack, i want to hear the notes more then feel them in the mix. :)
I'm using an M-Audio Fast Track, one of the basic models, but it does everything I need it to do.

Damn man! How do your DI's sound so nice through a fast track? I've been using a Saffire LE and it's sounding so awful with my strat using it as a DI. I think it's time for a downgrade lol!
My DI's would sound like any DI's would I think. I get good latency with the M-Audio ASIO drivers as well. Of course, the disadvantage with a cheaper interface is that the lack of inputs (one 1/4 inch jack and one mic lead input), no midi inputs and that you're limited to 48kHz as your maximum sample rate.