Architects - Broken Cross Cover + Multis

Late but never too late here is my mix using Deadstar's multis, however I recorded and quadtracked the guitars myself.

I used Amplitube + TSE BOD for the bass, and Revalver with Ownhammer and Guitarhack impulses for the guitars.

Drums are Superior Drummer 2 with Kick and Snare layered from Addictive Drums.

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Necrobump, but fuk it. Only found this just now and gave it a go. ssd4 + trillian + Massive + tse x50. Mp3 no soundcloud but sounds pretty fat anyway.
Offtopic, was gonna make the leap from studio one to reaper. I put the exact same chain on guitars that i used in studio one in reaper and it sounded like garbage, like washy. Didnt know DAWs could sound so different.