
oh, shit, this is horrible :yell:
From this time I'll be cautious when saying "Arcturus is one of my fav bands" :loco:
månsken said:
but hellammer. the drummer. he plays in more then seven band!! and work on a mental hospital. how in hell can he make it go togheter. its a mysterium for me.
I have thought he doesn´t work there anymore.
Yes, he´s pretty active:
Mayhem, Dimmu Borgir, Age of Silence, Arcturus, Carnivora, Mezzerschmitt, Thorns, Troll (Nor), ex-Mortem (Nor), ex-Shining, ex-The Kovenant, ex-Vidsyn, Winds (Nor), ex-Antestor, ex-Covenant (Nor)

Jaen said:
sadly, Arcturus has taken an entirely new direction...