Are all mic preamps setup like this?

Loren Littlejohn

Lover of all boobage.
So I get everything patched up and ready to go, and I go to test mics and I get almost nothing through my mbox and preamps. I get why I was getting nothing through the firepod (I didn't have the compressor plugged in :lol:).

But on the tube pres and the mbox, it only worked when I unplugged either the TRS connector or the XLR connector.

I did have it so there was a TRS connector going to each instrument input on both preamps, but I also had a XLR connector for the mic as well. Apparently the preamp doesn't want to work this way even though I had only planned on using one at a time. Same went for the mbox, I had something patched to the TRS connector and the XLR connector. You only can have one.

Now I'm thinking that maybe I can rig up a switch on the front of the tube pres to switch between the 2. But I am tired and pretty much not sure if that is going to work. :lol: