Are CoB like Rob Halford??

They're all brown till behind the ears over here, Gav....
That must mean they REALLY love you...

Ps: I have your picture under my pillow and glance at it everynight before I fall asleep
Enemy242 said:
oooo, the mighty gavin has spoken!!! and i don't know you from msn, i hate you. also, quoting cob is stupid, thier lyrics are a joke, i'm pretty sure they don't try to write lyrics you quote, unless they thing bodom beach terror and others and the lyrics are serious.

Feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeell the Linkin Park-induced ANGST
i thought alexi was with the chick for sinergy, hey i new, but bodom rules and there not gay, well thats what i thought anyways. LOL!!!
I simply can't understand people who waste their time in bashing gay people. It's something that has come to stay in our modern societies. Unless you get ass-raped by a man, how does somebody's sexual likings hurt anybody? And somehow the COB guys just don't seem gay at all... There are people who get more "friendly" when drunk... I suppose they fit in this category. A person calling a drunkard who's hugging a close friend gay is plain paranoid.
chameleon said:
I simply can't understand people who waste their time in bashing gay people.
Simple : some people try continuously to bash gay people cause in fact ; they are interested by them but they don't wanna be judged by homophobes like them...then the cycle goes on and on.