Are CoB like Rob Halford??

NeedledWarheart said:
Yeah man... or he'll tell you how he fucked your mum..

Or he'd read how somebody fucked somebody else from a book, and then copy it out, as if he was the height of sexual knowledge
"Oh yeah dirty bitch"
[Dog walks off]
"Get off my toilet"
"Now get back on it"
"Start plunging"
"Oh yeah, the flusher is working fine now"

New Mr. Enemy242, loves the jobs you hate. Dirrrrrty.
I vote this the funniest thread ever! :lol:

LazyGuitar said:
I've just noticed something, the threadstarters sig, and his interest over to the sexual pref of the "boyz ov bodom"
Hell yeah, I didn't notice it, thx for pointing it out :lol: :lol: :lol:

Dim3 said:
Nope, i am 120% Straight! :p
120% straight? Like, out of 5 people you lay 6 are girls? :grin:

Enemy242 said:
They may be great friends but... do you hug your friends when you're almost naked? do you kiss your friends of the same sex? do you make weird poses in towels with your friends? I would assume now. I am simply wondering if they are hiding thier homosexuality. I'm not going crazy and saying "OmG If CoB ArE GaY I WiLl HaTe TH3M!!!!!!"
Yes, of course, they are all gay! That's why they kicked out Ale when he found a girlfriend and wouldn't wanna be gay any longer!!! And Alexi is gay, too, because Kimberley is a shemale for real!!!!!!!! :loco: :grin:

Now seriously: All of these pictures are taken from from their official homepage - that's not exactly "hiding", is it? So, when they're not hiding anything you can bet that's because there is nothing to hide. And about that "making weird poses in towels" pic: It's soo obvious they just went to sauna together. I've seen a documentary about public saunas in Helsinki and there were tons of pictures like that...... one really must have homo-erotic fantasies to conclude the depicted people are gay :p Admittedly, the way Janne and Henkka are looking at each other in the other pic does look like they're about to kiss each other, at least to my homo-erotic fantasy :grin:
Well, I give your thread two out of ten points because wouldn't mind if they were gay, but you'd be more mature if you didn't even care about their sexual lives. That ratafuck guy in the the cobhc guestbook was really retarded, not liking the music anymore because of the musicians' personal lives :Smug: