Are Evergrey Satanists??????


May 10, 2005
Another post says something about Tom saying Hail Satan in ANTBR and on the cover it has pentagram does anybody here have a answer?????? Not trying to be stupid just looking for answer are they Evergrey practicing Satanists??????
You know, I've wondered that myself. I would hope not. To much talent for all that.
I think evergrey is Awesome. If they are, I would still listen to them. Just music, and pay no attention to the words. You know what I mean?:headbang:
Somebody put on another thread that he said Hail Satan somewhere on ANTR I have not watched it od heard the cd but was just wondering with the use of the petagram on that release you know they had to know they where using it and how it would be perceived,right???Did he say that during ANTR or not ???But still makes me wonder about the cover for ANTR????
by the way, the "pentagram" is not automatically significant of satanism. it is also used extensively in geometry to illustrate the greek discovery of the golden ratio, religious contexts (including the 6 sided version known more commonly as the star of david), and in pagan myths. note again that pagan does not imply satanism.

if anything, i would say the use of it on the ANTR is because they had 5 albums then, 5 sides on a star. makes sense to me. Dream Theater did the exact same thing with their 5 live albums and 8 studio albums on a recent album cover as well. it's a shape, not a disease
I find it very hard to belive that Evergrey should be satanists, but there are some old footage on the bonusdisc for a night to remember, from the recording of the first album where you can see that Tom has a huge inverted cross tattoed on his right arm, i think it was a very wise decision to change it to the one he has got now.
I am the one who asked the question on another post....kinda wonder why someone started a whole new post and not answer my original one. The bonus disc in ANTR has the footage that I am speaking of. In the interview with Tom, he sites the Occult as one of the things that he bases lyrics around and later in the "tour bus" footage he says "Hail Satan". The terms "I am my own God" and "God walking Earth" are both popular black church references. I think there may be another reference as well on the bonus disc.....Also his earler involvement with Andy LaRoque, guitarist for King Diamond is curious. My questions are not for outing anyone, my original question is why Sweden and the surrounding countries seem to be the origin of Death and Black Metal, with the chance that EG being part of that culture? What is it about that part of the world that it seems to be more prevolent? I had e-mailed Tom regarding this question with no response(not that I expected one). I have been fascinated with EG since the first time I heard them. The book "Communion" Tom based ISOT on, I had to read based on the similarities of the music and the story. It's just cool knowing what makes our "MetalGods" tick.:worship:
as for why Scandinavia is the way it is, really a resident should answer, but my understanding is it has to do with the region's heritage and the "invasion" by people who were trying to use religion as a means of conquest. Such "holy wars" incite resentment, and are the worst atrocity against the faith they claim to represent. In more recent history, the youth of the area started a "take it back" type movement, resulting in the anti-religious sentiments they feel have wronged them. It should be noted that not everyone feels this way, and probably a majority do not.
MainelyGrey I am very sorry not trying to step on anybody posts was just wondering about this and I really couldnt answer your post when I was wondering similar things.And Tribbiani is that what the link says because I cant listen to it at work?????? If thats what it says and that is a quote from Tom I guess that answers our question right????
MainelyGrey said:
I am the one who asked the question on another post....kinda wonder why someone started a whole new post and not answer my original one. The bonus disc in ANTR has the footage that I am speaking of. In the interview with Tom, he sites the Occult as one of the things that he bases lyrics around and later in the "tour bus" footage he says "Hail Satan". The terms "I am my own God" and "God walking Earth" are both popular black church references. I think there may be another reference as well on the bonus disc.....Also his earler involvement with Andy LaRoque, guitarist for King Diamond is curious. My questions are not for outing anyone, my original question is why Sweden and the surrounding countries seem to be the origin of Death and Black Metal, with the chance that EG being part of that culture? What is it about that part of the world that it seems to be more prevolent? I had e-mailed Tom regarding this question with no response(not that I expected one). I have been fascinated with EG since the first time I heard them. The book "Communion" Tom based ISOT on, I had to read based on the similarities of the music and the story. It's just cool knowing what makes our "MetalGods" tick.:worship:

As an atheist, I had interpreted "I am my own God" and "God Waking Earth" to be something to the effect of I don't need a god and I make my own destiny, satanism never came to mind. Evergrey's involvement with Andy LaRoque may have a lot to do with Andy being both from Sweden and a good guitarist. And finally, the footage from the video I haven't seen yet just because I haven't watched anything beyond the actual concert so I may be wrong but it may be that it was just innocent "screwing around" that bands sometimes do on tour. Anyway, you made great observations by putting things together!

Oh, Rush's album 2112 also has the star on it.


Jeremy :kickass:
Hail Jeremy,
Thanks for your post. According to a local fellow who is a practicing Satanist, like your belief (or lack of?), his is that he is the most important person or thing in his world. Thus the whole "God walking Earth" thing. The star/pentagram deal has been around forever and was actually popularlized by Christians waaaaay back in the day. Depending on the way it's pointed is the telling thing. If someone were truly serious about the pentagram deal in proving or stating something they would put "Baphomet"....a goats head in the center. AGAIN, as far as I am concerned EG is one of my favorite bands and I LOVE all of the albums regardless. Just my curiousity...........:headbang: