are people in bands better than civilians?

sol83 said:
the media have fucked it all up. it started with the beatles like. all the girls saw them in the papers and heard 'em on the radio, its getting worse ever since...

i mean the fact alone that people praise their favorite artists by calling them god(s) says it all...

burn your fucking television. you'll feel free again...

Theres some scenes where the fanboy/fangirl-ism should not exist though. It's a joke like.
think it goes like we think they are above us, they are better than us and somehow gods and things like that; but than we realise that they are just people like us and it makes us feel so good :) not because they fall off from their heavenly place, they don't. but it's just amazing to see they have the same good and bad things and same needs
No, I don't agree with you, Loona. I think band members exist at a different level, elevated above the mundane life of work/eating/defecating/sleeping/internetting/cleaning/sneezing/etc.

So :worship: to band members.

I wouldn't even dare to arsekiss a band member. :oops:
... just wanted to say I didn't think of anything like that, but you were quicker :Smug:
okay, just to say I still have much to do so I leave to my sweet little room...
goodnight to everyone :)
Strangelight said:
Theres some scenes where the fanboy/fangirl-ism should not exist though. It's a joke like.
yeah, thats what i'm saying. but when a fuckin "journalist" praises some artist in the most stupid way, the crowd will obviously follow, if there wasnt such promotion by the media, fanboy-ism wouldnt be so big. and its going in sports (beckham) and everywhere like. people need someone to praise i guess...
sol83 said:
yeah, thats what i'm saying. but when a fuckin "journalist" praises some artist in the most stupid way, the crowd will obviously follow, if there wasnt such promotion by the media, fanboy-ism wouldnt be so big. and its going in sports (beckham) and everywhere like. people need someone to praise i guess...

It's not just the journalists though, its a general attitude that should be associated with pop music, and thats fair enough, but its spilled over into what should be respectable underground scenes. I never ever saw people queuing for autographs and giving out sponky looks at any electronic night/festival that Ive been. No wonder everyone takes the piss out of the metal scene.
Strangelight said:
It's not just the journalists though, its a general attitude that should be associated with pop music, and thats fair enough, but its spilled over into what should be respectable underground scenes. I never ever saw people queuing for autographs and giving out sponky looks at any electronic night/festival that Ive been. No wonder everyone takes the piss out of the metal scene.

hm, that doesnt happen here at a metal gig, at least not at the smaller ones... sounds weird :erk:
ah bollox. people in bands are just like 'civilians' - if i ever i get all groupie exicited i just remember the following:
they too are prone to garlic breath
probably have hairy toes
have on more than one occassion inspected their own vomit for signs of life

'people are fundamentally the same' i believe a class band once uttered....
it is easy to get a little dazed when you meet bands, but thats probably because their music means so much to you - or like you think they are perfect and understand everything because their music 'speaks' to you or you relate to the lyrics....truth is they know the same if not less than you and are as fucked on this tiny little earth as you are.
people from bands :lol: i've made quite an efficient research about this,with my always *romantic* view on things under my arm :Smug: and of course i ended up with a head completely fucked :lol: maybe they are worse than...civilians( :lol: )
I believe at least that everyone takes advantage of his *fame* to do many things(either he wants to accept it or not) :socialize,get chicks etc cos its ego-boosting having "fans".and of course the stance towards female fans is "wow,she wants me sooooo bad".some try to hide it,some show it straight away,but the result is the same.maybe there are few who still keep the proportions( ?) (amen to them)
i mean just because you hold a fucking guitar doesnt mean you're gonna stick it in me ffs :zzz: i wonder if all those guys would talk to me if i was ugly and fat for instance :Smug: i may have been fooled in the past by my good intent,but really im disappointed now.blah blah blha......