Are there any effects that...


Sep 25, 2003
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Help your voice to turn into a Growl, so to speak.

I've been trying to find ways to help alter my voice so that I can growl. For me its damn impossible to produce a growl (though I havent had any formal training for growling, I dont think there is any).

So any help on that front, or maybe any lessons that help show how to growl?
drink beer and smoke cigarettes...just kidding.

don't try too hard, it has to be from the heart. Most important, there will probably be a time where out of nowhere you might shout something to your friends and you'll be like, "woah, that was cool, why can't I sing like that!" When that happens, think about how you projected your voice. See why that worked...that's how I found my voice.
I think Akerfeldt of Opeth gave some hints on the Opeth forum a long while back. It has to do with the amount of phlegm rolling around in the back of your throat. Drink some milk and do some vocal warm ups. Definitely, keep your mouth and throat moist, it could seriously hurt to do with a dry throat. That is why, technically cigarettes and beer hurt vocal chords, cause they dry things up.