Are there any online music stores thaaat...


Dec 8, 2008
do uk shipping and allow you to pay back on finance ?

I only ask as with my income i rarely get the option of saving much more than £50-£100 a month to go towards gear and it'd make life a lot easier if that was just to go towards paying back a company for the gear ive bought.

(if that makes any sense)

If this doesnt exist then im pretty screwed :p might have to start selling my housemates for cash....

Anyone want a 20 yr old slightly gothic chick ? £500 all yours ? she does have a boyfriend thou so you'd have to off him first ;)
You could use a service like Viaddress maybe? That would take care of the shipping issues. I think the financing should work out then too.

This is pretty cool, cheers dude !

Trust me on this one: If you can get one, get a small bank loan to pay for the piece of equipment and the expenses. It's almost always cheaper and more reliable than financing.

This is also a good idea too. Shall have to pop into a bank tomorrow to see what i can get :)
Of course everywhere is different.

But all the music stores here in the US go through a bank for their financing anyway. That is really the only way to be legit.

So you can often get a better rate if you go through your own bank. If you are a business, and do a business loan, you can get a better rate that way too. And you get to write-off the interest and expense on your taxes.