Are you a Pantera fan? If yes what do you think about Damage Plan?

What do you think about Damage Plan?Good? Bad?Why?

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Well I've been a Pantera fan since I was 15, and stlill am a big fan of their music. I couldn't believe it when they broke up :yell: I still can't believe it man.
I was wondering what you guys have to say about the Damage Plan release, what do you like and what don't you like? and some constructive criticism please.
I never liked Pantera (or how I refer to them as, Panterrible) and I don't like Damageplan either. I avoid them as much as I can. The music and vocals are horrible.
^ Thank you. :)

And thanks for respecting my opinion. A lot of people I know love Pantera but that's no reason for me to bash them.
I know how you feel, I don't mind people bashimg them, It's just their opinion and I'm the last person any one wants to hear telling them they are idiots for not liking something I do. I could care less what you like or don't like but I respect everyone and their opinions. later.
oh yeah and since you don't like Pantera, seriously don't check out Damage plan, they are worse than Pantera if you don't like Pantera.
I've heard Damageplan, unfortunately. :lol: I'll admit it's just for fun... not to take too seriously like a technical band.
Eh, Damageplan is hideous Mallcore. Darrell busts out with a good riff every now and then, but it is far and few between.
zeppelin said:
it could never be Pantera quality

You're absolutely right, I havent heard it yet and have not enough interest to even check it out. I've heard about 4 songs and cant remember any of them accept for one wich I think is ok, but Dime sounds like a Dime wannabe, who is into numetal. The vocals on the song are good, but not good enough to remember. If you hear the same 4 songs over again once a day for a week and you can't remember what they sounded like, then they arren't worth your efforts. later people.
Pantera had a distinct sound, mailny due to Dime's signature sound & Phil's lack of vocals. They were a decent band, when they were a thrash band. Damage Plan on the other hand, just blends in with what ever trendy new band is out there today. I wasn't moved at all by what they were doing. I bought the record on release date, only to be back the next to trade it in for something else. If you put the Damage Plan record up againts the new record by Drowning Pool, you'd swear it's the same band. That's how generic their sound is. It's very calculated & you can literally predict where they will "overdub" the solos...:cry:
And doesn't :puke: Pat sounds like he's trying to be a second rate Phil Anselmo?!:ill:
Aim low, that's what I say!:yuk:
That's my take on Damage Plan.:tickled:
Easily this year's St. Anger!!!!!!!!!!!!!:yow:
sixxswine said:
Pantera had a distinct sound, mailny due to Dime's signature sound & Phil's lack of vocals. They were a decent band, when they were a thrash band. Damage Plan on the other hand, just blends in with what ever trendy new band is out there today. I wasn't moved at all by what they were doing. I bought the record on release date, only to be back the next to trade it in for something else. If you put the Damage Plan record up againts the new record by Drowning Pool, you'd swear it's the same band. That's how generic their sound is. It's very calculated & you can literally predict where they will "overdub" the solos...:cry:
And doesn't :puke: Pat sounds like he's trying to be a second rate Phil Anselmo?!:ill:
Aim low, that's what I say!:yuk:
That's my take on Damage Plan.:tickled:
Easily this year's St. Anger!!!!!!!!!!!!!:yow:
From what I've heard I can defenetaly agree with ya there. He does sound like hese trying to rip Phill on vocals, and Phills' vocals are the best on Reinventing and the Down albums.
Since I havent heard much of the Damage plan disc I will buy it, burn it and return it, just so I wouldnt have to pay for it if I decide I like it enough.
Pat has a good clean voice I've heard it and wish he would have used it. Sometimes his vox don't fit the songs, he sounds like hese trying too hard to impress the nu-metal fans and so is Dime, Vinnie on the other hand still sounds the same, he always does his best, and never lets me down. Dimes' guitar work is pretty bad(in a bad way)I never though he could play so terrible, hes' always been a guitar legend in my eyes, he still is but I feel like he has been replaced,like I said earlier, a numetal Dime wannabe, who can play better than me but I'd rather hear mine over his.
Also I didn't know there were so many Pantera dislikers out there, it's weird to me I've never met anyone who was a metal head and didn't like them. but that goes to show that everyone has different tastes in music. Like if I said I like Kind Daimond there's probably many out there that hate his work.
Well, same here. I didn't know that many people disliked Pantera. I mean, they were a decent band, yeah they went down the crapper in their later years, but what about their legacy?! Sometimes I think that Metal fans can be just as fickle as the fans of pop music. They build you up & then they bring right down & scatter.
heh heh heh, it's kinda funny that you 'Location says, "kickin ass on the wild side" In shop class in eighth grade I made a race car we all had to design, I was the only one that new anything about aero dynamics and made it to fly smoothe, well I wrote on the hood 'Wild side' cause I'd just gotten the Motley crue-Decade of decedance and was really enjoying it. well my car anded up beating everyone elses car when we raced against the entire 8th grade shop classes. It was damn cool.
Yeah, man. I wish I could get a hold of the Power Metal album, I could have but it would've costed $30 and Im not that desperate to find out if it's as good as others say. And yeah, Damageplan was very dissapointing to me, I can't vote yet cause I haven't heard enough of the album, but I do review on what I have heard so far.
madcheese9377 said:
I know how you feel, I don't mind people bashimg them, It's just their opinion and I'm the last person any one wants to hear telling them they are idiots for not liking something I do.

^ Save that for the Opeth boards.. :Smug:

Love Pantera - sat in my room for hours playing guitar along with albums. Haven't heard the DamagePlan yet, will probably download it though now that you all reminded me. (Not expecting much based on reviews above though)
^ Yeah, Opeth is my fav band and their official forum is here on UM. I travel around to other forums sometimes while I'm here (Old School is one) but I don't post too much. The Opeth forum has a reputation for being nothing but flaming fan boys, and it pretty much is. The problem is that Opeth mods keep it strictly on-topic, so anything off-topic gets deleted. It gets pretty bad.... very rarely is there a good conversation.