Are you a royalist?.

Are you a royalist?

  • Yes

    Votes: 6 40.0%
  • No

    Votes: 9 60.0%

  • Total voters


The Post Master
Jul 3, 2003
Manchester, England, UK
I am NOT a royalist and hate what the royal family stands for.

Hanging onto the traditions of a monarchy is effectively supporting and saying there's nothing wrong with murdering/torturing people simply for not supporting the administration. We have moved on since those days and we now have something called freedom of speech and elections. I also think it's a bit hypocritical that thr royal family are now passing themselves as pillars of the community when to get to the particular status they hold, their families had to engage a lot of the time in senseless killing, sometimes having children watch while their fathers were murdered.

I also don't believe in the idea that some people are more worthy than others. I don't see how Princess Diana dying in a car crash is any more tragic than the thousands who die each day in car crashes, yet we have to feel an extra sadness and everything stands still. One of the teachings of all major religions and several philosophers is that "everybodys equal" and that is a belief I believe we need to hang onto. A human being should be valued as a person, not just which family they belong to.
I don't think you'll find too many royalists on an American metal forum for some reason.

Anyway, no I'm not a royalist, but I'm not about to subscribe to the fanciful notion that all humans are equal. Whether you like it or not, circumstances and genetics will always dictate people's standing in society.

These days the royals are really just a celebrity family. Yes they are redundant, but 'ordinary people' love this sort of stuff.
I like the Royal family for the following reasons:

Having people like them and the house of lords and so on, however upsetting it is for communists (joke), adds an extra layer of protection from revolutionaries. It's stops anything to drastic happening which is good because, like you said we've moved on from the raping and the pillaging (well it's debatable but..) so nothing changing too much is good.

It's good that we aren't completely just another shitty America wannabe republic. We have our own history which is bloodthirsty like most.

It's part of Britain. They don't do much but their part of the scenery. It's important.

It's good that it annoys Americans.

I'm quite patriotic and the reason is this: imagine your in a room of violent thugs, you don't want to be the one who says violence is wrong, you can hurt me but it wont achieve anything. If you say that you die.
The royal house hasn't even been English since George I of the House of Hanover took the throne. If one must have a monarchy, at least have a monarchy of stock from the same country!

(where's the Bonnie Prince Charles when ya need him?)

As for revolution: it is a natural right, the threat of which ensures the other three, and certainly ought to be exercised much more frequently. However, so long as the peasantry has their bread and circuses, that is a bit difficult to bring about due to their propensity to chose security over liberty, ensuring the eventual loss of both.
I also don't believe in the idea that some people are more worthy than others. I don't see how Princess Diana dying in a car crash is any more tragic than the thousands who die each day in car crashes, yet we have to feel an extra sadness and everything stands still. One of the teachings of all major religions and several philosophers is that "everybodys equal" and that is a belief I believe we need to hang onto. A human being should be valued as a person, not just which family they belong to.

Sounds like you speak with an American tongue, atleast we have a Queen and will have a King.

About Princess diana, all I can say is, surely you can't be that thik headed :rolleyes:
I am a royalist!
Too drunk to think of good points why, though! (Afraid I´d just be telling the repuplicans what a bunch of cunts they are)
I find it a shame in general that there is so much negativity and so little respect for the Monarchy nowadays particularly by Brits. Americans and other foreigners I can understand to an extent why they'd be pretty meh about it. I am pretty apathetic about their Presidents but I wouldn't go as far as to slate them constantly.
The monarchy generates a lot of tourism in the UK. Sure, it costs the British around 60 p year in taxes... however a lot of revenue is derived from people visiting monuments, museums, palaces and general areas associated with the monarchy. Thousands of £/$ of books and memorabilia are sold relating to the monarchy, at least in some way.

I don't think the British would do away with the monarchy. In the end it is another factor that sets them apart from other EU countries, and basically acts as a symbol of sovereignty. I don't have statistics on hand (nor do I feel like actually looking them up), but quite a lot of money is derived from tourism. Why do away with that extra source of revenue and the tourism that it brings over to the country?