Are you caged?


Active Member
Dec 6, 2001
Here's a set of 4 questions for you to answer. Enjoy. ;)

a) Have you ever felt the need to cut down on drinking?
b) Have you ever felt annoyed by criticism of your drinking?
c) Have you ever felt guilty about your drinking?
d) Have you ever taken a morning eye-opener?
I can only say yes to a and c, so I guess I'm not doing (or have not been doing) that bad. And even then, it wasn't that much that I needed to cut down from.
Siren said:
Here's a set of 4 questions for you to answer. Enjoy. ;)

a) Have you ever felt the need to cut down on drinking?
b) Have you ever felt annoyed by criticism of your drinking?
c) Have you ever felt guilty about your drinking?
d) Have you ever taken a morning eye-opener?

Ahh...the famous "CAGE" screening questionnaire....well known to all doctors, nurses, med students, EMTs and, of course, alcoholics.

Do you know the 3 follow-up acronyms for alcohol screening?
r2 said:
Ahh...the famous "CAGE" screening questionnaire....well known to all doctors, nurses, med students, EMTs and, of course, alcoholics.
so which of the above are you? ;)
Siren said:
so which of the above are you? ;)

They're not mutually exclusive, you know.... ;)

I think that I'm a med student, but that may just be an alcohol-induced delusion.... :D
Siren said:
Never claimed they were.. ;)

Anyways, my sympathies to you for your predicament. ;)

I forgot to ask...are you also one of the above, or did I leave some choices out?
Nah, you didn't leave any choices out. I'm a med student as well (even though sometimes i wish it was a delusion :p).
As for the follow up acronyms, i don't know them. Wanna share? ;)
Siren said:
Nah, you didn't leave any choices out. I'm a med student as well (even though sometimes i wish it was a delusion :p).
As for the follow up acronyms, i don't know them. Wanna share? ;)

"Do you drink to get high?"
"Do you drink alone?"
"Do you look forward to drinking?"
"Have you noticed that you have developed a tolerance to alcohol?"

"Have you ever blacked-out from drinking?"
"Have you ever used alcohol in excessively unplanned amounts?" i.e. couldn't stop
"Do you drink for medicinal reasons?" i.e. depression
"Do you find yourself protecting your supply of alcohol?" i.e. buying "extra" just in case company stops by

"Is there a family hx of alcohol problems?"
"Ever been a member of AA?"
"Do you think you are an alcoholic?"
"Have you ever attempted suicide or had suicidal thoughts?"
"Have you ever had any legal problems because of alcohol?"
"Do you ever drive while intoxicated?"
"Do you ever use tranquilizers to steady your nerves?"

You know, it seems that there are quite a few science/med/engineering students that post here. Has anyone else noticed that?
TheFourthHorseman said:
I can only say yes to a and c, so I guess I'm not doing (or have not been doing) that bad. And even then, it wasn't that much that I needed to cut down from.
Same here ^^
Siren said:
Here's a set of 4 questions for you to answer. Enjoy. ;)

a) Have you ever felt the need to cut down on drinking?
b) Have you ever felt annoyed by criticism of your drinking?
c) Have you ever felt guilty about your drinking?
d) Have you ever taken a morning eye-opener?

a) no
b) no
c) no
d) it happened at festivals that I had some breakfast beers, does it count :grin:
a) Have you ever felt the need to cut down on drinking?
Yes, but it wasn't from a very great amount, just a bottle of whiskey/vodka every week or so.
b) Have you ever felt annoyed by criticism of your drinking?
I never got any, since I did it alone in my room.
c) Have you ever felt guilty about your drinking?
Yes, mostly about the money I was wasting on it when I didn't really have money to waste.
d) Have you ever taken a morning eye-opener?
Nope, not for me.

I suppose I'm a CG. Centigram, Cheltenham & Gloucester, coast guard, Republic of Congo, or chorionic gonadotropin? I don't know which fits best.

I also appear to be Al:
"Do you drink alone?"
"Do you look forward to drinking?"
Siren said:
Here's a set of 4 questions for you to answer. Enjoy. ;)

a) Have you ever felt the need to cut down on drinking?
b) Have you ever felt annoyed by criticism of your drinking?
c) Have you ever felt guilty about your drinking?
d) Have you ever taken a morning eye-opener?

wow here we are to tell and speak the truth and nothing as the truth

c-yes because a good beer isnt cheap and I need money for my studies
d-not really

anyway this evening Im gonna drink with some friends :rock: