Are You Dead Yet? video

i dont know why does the z.webführer edit these post?
we've arleady discussed we offer our oopinions....
i dont understand it:rolleyes::zombie:
Herr Webführer likes Janne like he likes his cigarettes; hot, white, and first thing in the morning.
yeah thanks for the link but that video fucking sucked and the words that were shown made no sense and were gay as shit, damn i thought after AYDY they could at least make a decent video and not make it so gay
Holy Fuck :Puke: :Puke: :Puke: :Puke: :Puke: :Puke: :Puke: :Puke: :Puke:
A: There is no story to that video
B: It says that "COB To Continue Their Conquest On American Metalheads On Their Spring US Tour"
C: Their doing a store signing at Hot Topic.
:Puke: :Puke: :Puke: :Puke:

wasnt THAT bad. at least it didnt have the bleeps like in IYF and the song wanst cut short.

hah and ya, that was saddam, how silly

should have been living dead beat, not AYDY
The story of the video is simple... The guy picks the girl on the road, they go to a motel and a policeman comes in and robs the guy and locks him in a cabin in the dessert or somtehing. When they guy escapes he realizes the girl and everything was a setup... (Derailed movie anyone??).
He kills the cop and kidnaps the girl in the cop´s car...
The words that pop in are a word game with "Are you..." (as in Are you dead yet, the name of the song.) ...

There is a story... nothing great though... The video is not good, but is some sort of comercial move to show it in MTV.