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DeathPact said:
eshh dip shit it reviewed by the same dipshits that make the god damm stuff, whe are talking about metal reviews you minge!
oh god that makes it better... one ass clown who can't make good music thinks he knows how to rate music... awesome
I personally like AYDY very much, the only downpoint of the alum is Trashed Lost and Strungout, i thikn it wasnt necessary to put it on the album since everybody heard it already a year ago.
Elysian893 said:
i love how people point to reviews to state how good an album is... guess what dipshits, theres reviews out there that say blink 182's albums are 10/10... as well as britney spears, throwdown, lots of shit bands. does that make their albums any better?

So you are saying that even bad CD's will get a good rating? Of course they are somehow categorized. Like a Britney CD will get a review that is comparable to other pop bands. Even more, those sites I posted were all metal sites.. well almost all. So if you compare reviews of Bodom to reviews of Blink 182 even though they are in different genres, you are stupid with big s.
The album was surposed to be released in shops yesterday, but no where has it!! and if i go to order it from the net, it'll take about 3 weeks to be delievered to me. wtf is going on
Warheart2 said:
I personally like AYDY very much, the only downpoint of the alum is Trashed Lost and Strungout, i thikn it wasnt necessary to put it on the album since everybody heard it already a year ago.

I think It fucking blows...

But theres always the old bodom releases, Wintersun, Imperanon, Suidakra, Norther... so it's not the end of the world. It is a damn shame though, I thought that COB perfected their style on Follow The Reaper, and I have to admit, none of the bands I listed can come close to FTR or Hatebreeder...
goddamn joonas when you say song 9 is a filler...this must be a joke...we're not gonna fall is probly the best song on this album so far....well thats my opinion but this songs kills
I'd give it 8 as a COB fan, and 6.5 as a metal fan.

The problem is that it starts veeeeeery bad, the first song is too industrial for my taste, and it gives a real different image of what COB once was/is?. My favourite song is "If you want Peace...Prepare for War". It's really thrash at the beggining, and with really catchy melodies. I think that is the best song of the disc, along with "T, L n' S".

Overall, it is not that great, but it is not terrible either. It¡s just that we Bodom fans are used to something reeeeaaaally different when listening to COB.

I'd have to admit that I was pretty confused in the beggining when I started listening to it, I was thinking, WTF?!?!?. But aster listening to it for about 4 times I came to the previous conclusions.
This album along with alot of other releases this year is a rather good one.
considering hcdr was ok i was hoping they wouldnt keep going with that sound and they didnt....kind of. I would agree that FTR and Hatebreeder are there better records IMO but as a Cob and metal fan I would have to say musically it gets a 7/10 and as a Cob enthusiest it gets 6/10 maybe a 7/10. When the name Children of Bodom comes to mind I tend to think of crazy solos memerable melodies that take me back to the times of super nintendo and the such. But with their last 2 releases the melodies and crazy solos arent as abundant as say Hatebreeder or FTR. Though I will keep buying their albums as long as they spit them out and with them sigining a 3 album deal with century media( i think ) then that means I have something to look forward to down the road.
PanzerKunt said:
This album sucks and needs to be removed from the shops and existence in general asap. I give it a -onemillion out of eight½.

Can you please specify why this album sucks so much? All i've been seeing on this board is AYDY sucks, AYDY this, AYDY that....but nobody explained WHY they feel like that about the album. To me the album is really great, not their best but still awesome.
diecast said:
goddamn joonas when you say song 9 is a filler...this must be a joke...we're not gonna fall is probly the best song on this album so far....well thats my opinion but this songs kills

Yep I agree.
I really wanna hear it, I heard a few of the newer stuff and yeah it didn't sound the same, but I can't really make a conclusion at the moment.

Heh as an artist I suppose you can't please everyone.
Warheart2 said:
Can you please specify why this album sucks so much? All i've been seeing on this board is AYDY sucks, AYDY this, AYDY that....but nobody explained WHY they feel like that about the album. To me the album is really great, not their best but still awesome.

HexenLead: if alexi had a myspace
HexenLead: he would put
HexenLead: "not sure"
HexenLead: for his orientation
I only have the AYDY sampler and I thought If You want Peace had a cool solo. The trade off solos between Alexi and Roope rock and it's the only song I've heard off the Sampler with a solo that's longer than ten seconds!