hot chick in the 'are you dead yet'? music clip

hahaha hell yeahhh omg i dunno what id do if i met alexi its weird cz when u like idolise someone for so long in a way it becomes to the point where it doesnt seem real if you know what i mean like when i saw bodom it ws a bit like omg theyre real its not jsut cds if you get me ?
Yeah, i know exactly what you mean. When i saw them live, it didn't even feel i was there but it felt like i was watching them on t.v. or something. It felt like i had to actually touch them to see if they were alive. OMG, if i met Alexi, i think i'd completely faint or act like a fucktard. I'd kill to meet him.
Alexi is taken, he hooked up with another girl (no, not Janne) after divorcing Kimberly Goss.

as far as i see it, i got to watch an emo kid get the f**k beaten outta him (still dont know if i can swear here)

The original idea the writers of the video had was this lovey thing, and alexi took it and made it really fucked up. I liked it. that chick was hot.
^Yup, i'm a chick. If i were a guy, that would be sooooo messed up...wronger, than wrong. He's a good looking kickass guitarist/vocalist/lyricist! Anyway, lol, there's proabably a fat cop cuz they eat too many dounuts.

lyricist?LOL.I'm huge Children Of Bodom fans,but everyone knows that Alexi only knows full lyrics for 10% of COB songs,and Chroruses for the ones they play live.The rest is Yau Yau and moer like that.I don't give a fuck about it,for me he's still awesome and one of the best guitar players in the world,but saying that he's a good lyricist when less than 40% of COB songs have official lyrics and the best ones have been composed by Kimberly Goss its a bit odd.
^She's pretty looking and fits into society but i'v seen better.

Alexi DOES NOT have a chick! THe guy isn't fucking married! Someone just made up that random bullshit. If you believe everything on Wikipedia, then maybe i should edit it and say "Alexi Laiho married a fan named Lady Laiho."

I think he's a good lyricist even though he thinks the lyrics are shit. The offial ones are really good and the ones people make up sound somewaht accurate. I just like the overall theme of what he talks about.