Your favorite songs off "Are You Dead Yet?"

deathxunlimited said:
i agree with COBsteele02. if you think about it, you put so much expectation towards their new album that it will be another Hatebreeder or Follow the Reaper. and once you hear it and its not, your pissed. you call them sell outs, or nu-metal and all that shit, when you dont even listen to the music and realized that its really good shit.

Yeah. Like it, or die!! :yuk:
deathxunlimited said:
i agree with COBsteele02. if you think about it, you put so much expectation towards their new album that it will be another Hatebreeder or Follow the Reaper. and once you hear it and its not, your pissed. you call them sell outs, or nu-metal and all that shit, when you dont even listen to the music and realized that its really good shit.

are you dead yet is good as FTR and HB....
I like the new cd, yes it sounds different from there early stuff. hell all groups must grow, even slayer albums differ from one to the other. if you do not like it do not buy it. period, if you like blast it,You either grow with the band or get the fuck off the boat.i will buy the new cd and when the come to Seattle i will be there in the front row.
Follow the Reaper was made too quickly and the voice is too "girly"..
Hatebreeder does not have many good songs and is badly mixed..
This is all the good things I have to say about FtR, otherwise it sucks:

Follow the Reaper - Party song, I love it.. the solo is full of emotional content, also the keyboard solo is really good. But it's.. not scary at all.. just that the first bang scares the shit out of you if it comes loud and unexpectedly
Bodom After Midnight - The main melody guitar riff is very cool live
Children of Decadence - I love the main chorus
Everytime I Die - I love this song
Mask of Sanity - The main keyboard melody is really nice
Taste My Scythe - The low guitar riff is ultra catchy and I love it
Hate Me - The single version fucking rules, the album version fucking sucks
Northern Comfort - What a fucking dumbass boring song. But the guitar solo is thrilling
Kissing the Shadows - A song dedicated to be a filler, but surprisingly it worked out, nice riffs and stuff but..
uh :/
i'd have to say :

FTR : I fucking love this song. Every single riff or lick on it fucking rulez. Deep atmosphere.
BAM : Nice song. Main riff is really cool.
CoD : I got into bodom by this one. Rare quality song.
EID : The only song of my which made my tears coming.
MoS : Very beatiful song, and an old Inearthed riff which so huge.
ToMS: Didnt listen to this song that much, it's very cool though.
HM : Another one of the first Bodom song I listened to, alwas loved it.
NC : The other song together with ToMS I didnt listen often to, but nice song.
KTS : A song that catch you the first second and liberate you the last one, and countains the most beatiful solos alexi and janne ever wrote.
I heard the promo and I'm not really impressed. Too many chugga chugga riffs, and not enough melody. Even the solos hardly last as long and aren't really as complex as their older songs. But once the full album is put out I will give it a full listen, but so far this promo isn't really doing anything for me.
i don't like punch me i bleed, next in line had a fucking awesome as fuck intro and chorus but the rest of the song is meh, we're not gonna fall is fucking cool

btw part of the keyboard solo in we're not gonna fall is totally from black widow.
-Gavin- said:
It's called dissonance.

Yeah, and actually its not even a bend... Its 2 strings played at the same time, creating that tone. Check for your selves. Play G string 9 and leave it playing, and pick B string 6 fret. Its the tone.. voila. The mystery is to let G string ring while you pick B string...