Are You Hip To The Scene?

The Grimace said:
The next person who posts a world-famous touring act as a "local band"... I'm coming to your house and I will slap the fuck out of you.

Toss my salad like the cumguzzling whorebag you are, ho.:OMG:
EvilVince said:
The worst local band in Phoenix is fucking Motive... the singer, Steve, is a fucking retard who thinks he's all like awesome and they sound like Metallica wannabes. He makes fun of me at shows for wearing death metal shirts and everyone in the scene down here really hates his band and no one goes to their shows.

You are so fucking right about that. Randy, their lead guitarist, is even worse in my opinion. After every show he throws picks with his signature on them out to the audience. He also has his little roadie guys to set up his gear for him so he can stand there like a rock star. The guy actually thinks he's a rock star. Also, I'm way better at guitar than Randy or Steve. :D

Edit: I'd also like to add that Bloodhaven is in fact THE WORST METAL BAND IN PHOENIX. Not Motive, Bloodhaven.

Edit: I hope you're not in Bloodhaven. If so...then you suck, get the fuck out.
If anyone's able to find these bands that come from Perth...

Plague - Brutal Death Metal, there seems to be alot of Cryptopsy and Dying Fetus elements in their music but the songs aren't as over the top. Their drummer was the recording drummer for The Berzerker. If you get hold of any of their stuff, you'll notice that the gay bass drum sound from The Berzerker is gone...Thank god.

The Furor - Black Metal. Atmospheric, technical. Really tight band. They remind people alot of Immortal and they do play some Immortal covers live, but they got their own sound and I reckon it's alot better than Immortal.

Voyager - Symphonic/Power Metal. I'm not a great big fan of power metal but these guys are great. Nothing groundbreaking though.

The Kabal - Raw black metal. I was listening to their CD in the store and it sounded awesome. Too bad they broke up though.

Nexus - Melodic death metal??? Sorta, they include some Gothenberg influence but it's brutal, fast and thrashy.

Pathogen - Very very good live band. Their music at times contains alot of slam and mosh riffs to headbang to. But even that, they have awesome epic melodies and really good acoustic sections.
from my home scene of norcal:
psypheria (RIP)
world of lies
severed savior
hammers of misfortune
artificium sanguise
machine called man...

visit for more details

okinawa (where i currently live):
dead blood (decent black metal w/ death vox and the occasional death style riff)

The Grimace said:
Is everyone from Detroit just like you and Eminem? :Smug:

Eh? The sad part is, most white kids around here and the shitty ass corners of downtown do act like that.. The most I actually ever hear out of the black people is "hey culd u spahre me a fyew dollahs I gots ta gets myself a WHAIT CASTLE!"
There is no irony there. Despite accusations, I am far from pretentious. I write about what interests me in a style that interests me with no concern for how it is received (in other words, the opposite of pretension).