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I try to listen to as many as possible and leave my impressions, but I'll be honest and say that I haven't bothered with the ones that are too far out of my element, whatever that means. As for sticking to metal, I disagree (big surprise there, lol)...some of us have no chance in hell of recommending metal that the majority of this board hasn't heard after all...
i must agree with the squid. ive been checking out the non-metal recomendations far more often than the metal ones, but i try to check out anything that sounds interesting.
Demilich said:
you miss a lot of great music with that way of thinking imo
perhaps - no, you're probably right...but at the same time there is only so much money and time in the day, and after nine hours of work, a nice nap when I get home, family errands and reading books, I have not the inclination to inspect every fringe Danish black heathen national tree-worshipping band out there :)

I'm fairly adventurous even despite the above, in my office of 100 people, for instance, I am clearly marching to the beat of my own drummer. In fact, the only people I know who are as metal as me are the two sons of one of our supervisors...and that is not a boast but rather a sign of the low ebb of metal in america.
lizard said:
perhaps - no, you're probably right...but at the same time there is only so much money and time in the day, and after nine hours of work, a nice nap when I get home, family errands and reading books, I have not the inclination to inspect every fringe Danish black heathen national tree-worshipping band out there :)

but barely any of the recos have been black metal. :)

and yet youll listen to a band named Kayo Dot :loco:
I have not enough time to browse all the second wave of recommandations, but when I'll be back from holidays I'll look again fer sure.
To be honest Im not really interested in non-metal stuff right now. I check out one or two of the non-metal reco's and most of the metal ones me thinks.
I think there are too many recomendations at once; with the current rate even one recomendation per person would be a bit over the top. Eg I don't have time to give it the proper attention and only pick the stuff that sounds interesting judging by the description, had there been more time I might have been more open-minded