Are you packing heat?

^^ yeah same lolz

Here you need to take firing lessons in order to get a gun. This is something I'd do someday, cause I love guns. I'd keep my gun in my house, locked though. I'd only use it for practice.

edit: I'd probably get a beretta for style or a glock for the quality. Your gun is intriguing Zod, care to post a pic? I think I remember using that model while playing Counter-Strike :lol:

I'd prolly get a Desert Eagle if I had the money, damn that gun is sexy.
edit: I'd probably get a beretta for style or a glock for the quality. Your gun is intriguing Zod, care to post a pic? I think I remember using that model while playing Counter-Strike :lol:

By the way, the Desert Eagle is insane. I've fired it. The kick back is just ridiculous. It's an instant concussion.

^^ Yeah I think that's a gun you could purchased in the game... it was insta-death if you could get a headshot.

Looks pretty nice btw. How much did it cost?
lol to be honest, I'd do the same. After watching all these movies, I came to the conclusion that today's wars are so devoid of any kind of err... pride and honor. Don't get me wrong, I have a lot of respect for our soldiers, I have a lot less for the sneaky terrorists that blow themselves up to get the most kills possible. At least, during ancient times, it was face to face, sword to sword. Now, you can kill someone from 2 km away with a sniper rifle. It's not really the same...
Looks pretty nice btw. How much did it cost?
I think $625.
So um why the fuck do you guys need guns anyway?
I got into going to the range and shooting with some friends a while back. And quite honestly, why wouldn't you have one? If someone comes into your house with a gun, what are you going to do, call the cops and wait 30 minutes for them to show?

I would move out of the city :lol:

Seriously though they can be very practical depending on where you live. I have only fired handguns a few times but I am (well- was actually) versed in many Rifles, basic Shotguns, and even good old fashioned Black Powder Rifles. If you thought the Desert Eagle was bad, try one of those suckers out.

However, I do not own a gun, nor have any real need for one.