Are you sex gods?

Heavens above -- you are an absolute goddess in bed! Your feminine charms and deep sensuality drive men crazy with desire. Hestia, the goddess of family and peace, is your inner deity and she guides your every move.

:rolleyes: :eek: :D
I dunno if anybody has a diferent opinion, It's just a test anyway! :lol::D
Good Heavens! For Outstanding Bedroom Performance, you have been nominated Apollo, the God of Poetry and Light. As every god's ideal, you're also every woman's dream lover.

Originally posted by Angelwitch
Heavens above -- you are an absolute goddess in bed! Your feminine charms and deep sensuality drive men crazy with desire. Hestia, the goddess of family and peace, is your inner deity and she guides your every move.

When are we meeting again? ;)
Good Heavens! For Outstanding Bedroom Performance, you have been nominated Dionysus, the God of Ecstacy. Master of lust and pleasure, you're every woman's dream lover.


Not everywoman's but the ones who are beautiful please...:D

Hmm...Any one to test me...?hehe...:D

The Goddess ATHENA.

You're a powerful woman who knows what she wants and just how to get it. Of all the deities, you come closest to the modern woman. Strong and sensual, you're someone who doesn't shy away from a challenge. In fact, it's precisely the challenge that excites you. You have no tolerance for traditional gender roles, so seduction is your specialty. You probably have no problem being the aggressor, nor do you mind being in control of a relationship. In bed, you might even take the lead and make sure that nothing's over until you are thoroughly satisfied. Your self-confidence and security have allowed you to use your sexuality exactly the way that pleases you. Your lovers undoubtedly sense your inner divinity and worship your ways. You demand and receive respect from whomever you decide to bed. And like a light from the heavens, your partner discovers your true inner nature. Behold, the skies proclaim, here lies a goddess!

Yup, that sounds about right. :D

Heavens above -- you are an absolute goddess in bed! Your feminine charms and deep sensuality drive men crazy with desire. Hestia, the goddess of family and peace, is your inner deity and she guides your every move.

Heavens above -- you are an absolute goddess in bed! Your deep spirituality and unconventional style drive men crazy with desire. The Goddess Demeter is your inner deity, and she guides your every move.