Are You Singel?

ShadowLioness said:
I'm not single, though I may as well be at the moment. My mate lives too far away from me. That's just typical for me though.

That's a pretty great situation, doing anything you want at home but not having the need to look for someone to date. Like a French saying says, it's like having the butter and the money of the butter.
After 8 1/2 years of total devotion to find myself single again is something of a release.
I find I've got my own space and my own mind back! I'm learning to have a life of my own -doing whatever I want, when I want makes such a change (and I seem to have more money to spend too)!

I'm mostly enjoying the single thing. Plenty of guys crack on to me but why is it always the ugly and/or crazy ones?

All the nice guys don't have the nerve I'm told. I guess that leaves me with the duty to go up to them (then risk the knock back).

The main problem I'm finding is getting to and from gigs/clubs when my other friends don't want to go out (cuz they're not "on the pull"). As a single woman it proves really tricky, especially if I want to go to another city. And I can't guarantee I'll get a bloke that I like to come back with me.

After my marriage I'm just having some (safe) fun, but I'm still picky as to with whom. I want to do the casual thing cuz I don't want my heart broken again for sometime!
To K of London - if you need any comforting and are up my way look me up! (there's nothing worse than unrequited love, I know):D
Demonic Rapture said:
I'm single. Which is nice sometimes, but often I do get a bit lonely.
exactly...its not that bad being single....but from time to time I feel so lonely, it would be cool to have a nice girlfriend besides me;)

@Welly: Did I read right? Nice, dood...I am happy for you :headbang:

oh...I am falling in love with one hotty here...just next time I have to take my balls with me when I will meet her again:D :p

Sisterofnight said:
To K of London - if you need any comforting and are up my way look me up! (there's nothing worse than unrequited love, I know):D

Sounds like an offer :D

@EFF: I was talkin' out of my experience, but a 38 yrs old friend of mine says the same. And I think he has enough experience to do so. (and you may ask why I said FRIEND, well actually he loves me, but we could somehow live with that and don't care about it...and we are TRYING to stay friends...but I don't think that we could bear it for long...)
_Zsuzsa_ said:
@Niniel: hahha, actually same here :p But I can resist them for 5 months now in a row :D Still...I am at the begining of a great and verrrry sexually heated summer, so...anything could happen ;)

It's people like you who make the Xanax and Prozac market soooooo flourishing.
_Zsuzsa_ said:
Now actually it is true, so where's our goddamn money for the good work??? :yell::yell::yell:


The good work???? Failed studies, depression, nervous breakdown, insomnia, booze+anxiolytics, getting overweight, not giving fuck about anything at the extreme point where even killing yourself seems useless.
Yeah, that's good, very good work ladies.
@Zsuzsa: my overall point is that while love IS a bitch in most cases, all friendships don't necessarily have to end up in a painful rejection
there are plenty of cases where it does happen and i've seen a lot of them, even gone through one, but even then i'm very confident of this conclusion
The Trou-Peur said:
The good work???? Failed studies, depression, nervous breakdown, insomnia, booze+anxiolytics, getting overweight, not giving fuck about anything at the extreme point where even killing yourself seems useless.
Yeah, that's good, very good work ladies.

I'd like to add in a ( ) that boys are the same :rolleyes: So stop blaming the girls for everything, will you?

@EFF: I'm happy for you if it's true. I'm still waiting for that experience. :)
_Zsuzsa_ said:
K, sadly things like this happens... after you tell her your feelings everything changes. There is no friendship between men and women, or not for of them always ruins it.

Sorry, Zsuzsa, you couldn't be further off...

Although it is a rarity rather than a common thing, I have to admit that.

But hey, I am best friends with a girl, so yes it is possible.
The fact that makes this even more incredible is that I once had feelings for her! I told her about it, and well, she didn't want to go in on it, cause she just came out of a long relationship. And I respected that, but after a while I stopped having those feelings (I got to know her a little better, went travelling with her, studying abroad)! And now, we are nothing but very good friends, with the occasional fight and arguement. But I also have fights and arguements with another of my best friends (and he is male).

And no, my feelings back then weren't something like a "crush", they were quite serious.
And yes, we often had talks about feelings, we still do, I tell her when I'm angry with her and things and she tries to fix it then, and vice versa.
And we have had talks about those feelings I had for her, and we did it as normal people. Nothing bad came from it. Funny thing is, now she is actually dating my best friend!!