Are You Singel?

fuck my ending, let'S continue this one.

*some more shemale arrive, Welly dressed up, take a blade on the ground and start killin' shemale. Then cob66 arrived and start fightin.. but*
~Rappion Lapsi~ said:
Yes, i have 2 girlfriends. :D

Yeah, your right and left hand! :lol:

Suprinsingly I am a single at the moment, though I have a girl in my sights... but sadly, she lives too far away :( A perfect one: metalhead, brunette, beauty and a pervert. :D And we like the same bands. :) But fuck I hate the distance...
...funny how this thread transpired into a nutty story about being gay and having escapades with she-males:ill:.

I don't think there's anything wrong with being single. It has many advantages. Like now, I can sit in fromt of my computer, unshowered, with a t-shirt and undies on being a total internet geek surrounded in the mess that is my apartment...AND NO ONE IS AROUND TO GIVE ME SHIT ABOUT IT:tickled:. After a while though, it's kind of nice to have someone around.

I'm not single, though I may as well be at the moment. My mate lives too far away from me. That's just typical for me though.
_Zsuzsa_ said:
K, sadly things like this happens... after you tell her your feelings everything changes. There is no friendship between men and women, or not for of them always ruins it.

heh yeah I guess you're right,but not in all cases perhaps Im friends with one girl ... we have everything in common, she 'likes' me but i dont feel that way about her, but we still hang out.

anyway, for the past 4 months ive been feeling so cut up about this girl, Philippa her name is, and what made it worse is that her friends all told me she liked me! what a blow her rejection was

anyway the singer of my band says i should realise that I'm the person ive been waiting for my whole life :tickled:
i am not anymore :p


huahahha, this is what i call the last step before gayness(for those who know the n.i.c.o.l.e. thing :p)
>There is no friendship between men and women, or not for of them always ruins it.

is that a catchphrase or did humanity just decide to spread that damn saying just to nag me?
there IS friendship between man and woman, we just gotta keep our feelings to one single person and try to lighten up and enjoy the company of all the rest, and that's it...

of course there's still that damn love thing... love is a win or lose situation, but ironically you lose in either way... you suffer horrible deals of pain, and in the end you get a sour taste and wonder if it's all worth it... and in most cases someone's love ends up in someone else's trash bin so it's even worse
but that's something different from friendship, we need to learn to differentiate the two so that we can enjoy each one as the different things they are, and that's that!