Are you Steakknife?


steak(knife) no more
Jul 3, 2002
Everytime I go to the bank I am steakknife :(
No men work there so all the women whisper when I walk in and dont understand that I get money from 'other countries'. Then I go to the post office to post cds and I am steakknife there as well. They dont understand why Im posting so many things to 'other countries' and they whisper and look at me funny.
Is it just me? :(
You are a piece of kitchen cutley. I don't understand.

I once went ballistic at the post office. They were out of Priorty Mail boxes and I started yelling at everyone and punched the door. Everyone was looking at me like I'm retarded, which of course I am. Ahh.... memories.....
i am steakknife in uni. they keep shouting at me and they give me angry looks each time i go to fill forms and that :erk:
Eos said:
Women just can't resist the mysterious ;).. especially when it's longhaired :D

This is so true, ever so true. :) :loco: hehe.

Other than that, I have no idea what you're talking about. Steakknife?
People do the same thing to me though all the time. I have no idea know what they're thinking at all.
Strangelight said:
might have something to do with the fact that a bloke served me, not one of them sponky eyed trollops FFS!

funny you should say that. i went to the post office once to get some money from that money transfer thingy, and the woman wouldnt give me the money cause i looked younger on me id. so she asked that bloke and he said 'its a valid id ffs give him his money' and she did :tickled: