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New Metal Member
Nov 25, 2001
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My Question....

Why do so many metalheads get embarrassed if other metal heads find out if they listen to music that isn't metal?

like musical taste is something to hide...

And why so many metalheads are only concerned with music if it "rocks out"...

another thing that bugs me is the idea: if it's metal it must be good.

why? bad music is bad music.

or the fact that so many metalheads won't give any other type of music a chance...

it's their loss.....

I love a lot of metal...look at my cd collection...

A lot of metal fans just seem closed minded...

why whisper when you get to peter gabriel on your favorites list...nothing to get embarrassed about
Because as with all groups in society there are people who judge you by your musical taste (in this example). It shouldn't be the case but there are so many image obsessed people out there...

I hate telling people what music I listen to as I can never give them a full range of what I listen to - no time, but I really couldn't care less what people think of me because of the music I listen to. If they judge me solely on that I probably won't get on with them neway..

I agree, but I don't listen to much metal at all, I find a lot of it is complete crap! It is indeed a shame these people are missing out on so much, just like those who only listen to pop etc. Its not unique to metal! I think its basic human nature
There's a difference between metalheads and metalheads !

There's a huge amount of metalkopfs who, in a slightly shifted world, would be listening to, say, rap. For them music is a part of their social (or mirror-social/pseudo-antisocial) image. Add long hair, wearing black etc. A social group. Music discussions with agenda-driven groups, desperately trying to be individual whilst falling from one grey crowd to another, more local - such discussions are futile. If metal disappeared, they as a group would find some equivalent and collectively jump upon it.

"I love Music", like Oyo said. If you're in it for the music, dispose of the social groups.

Peter Gabriel ? Do you listen to old Genesis, per chance ?

D Mullholand
I have a few early Genesis albums...they're great!
Not a big fan of the poppy Genesis stuff though...well done, but not my thing.
I don't pop them in my cd player very often, but how often can a cd be popped in when you reach the 700+ range...I try to give all my cds a chance, don't want to ignore them...
yeah, I enjoy those early Genesis albums quite a bit when I do listen to all music, a certain mood is required to listen to them...I mean how often do I pop Gorgut's Obscura album in. Not often, it's a difficult listen, but enjoyable...
I tend to get rid of cds if I NEVER listen to them.

on a different note...

theGathering is one of my favorite bands.
My friend Eric got me into them with Mandylion...
last year while listening to if_then_else I could see he wasn't digging it too much...when it ended he accused them of "Selling Out":eek: . It sounded like theGathering to me... I explained to him it was part of their evolution as a band. He told me they weren't "metal" anymore, and that they didn't "rock out" anymore. I personally have never thought theGathering was about rocking out. Sure, some of their songs do rock...but I always thought theGathering's music was about atmosphere and emotion... WOW!?! Were we thinking on two different levels!

Peace sign and Devil Horns...


this is something we are condemned to live with / ppl uses to think that the best way to defend their tastes is to attack someone else´s / the ppl who don´t listen to metal, uses to do this, and ppl who listen metal too... ppl who listen jazz and classic stuff think other music is crap, and ppl who listen hardcore thinks other ppl is gay...

well, there´s nothing real, and no music is better than other, just under some ppl view it is better or worser...

for example, mu fav band is blind guardian / their last album was nightfall in middle earth / a lot of metalheads said in about it that it was gay (wich makes me think if music has own sex), just cause it was a little more soft... but very emotional, indeed is my fav album ever... why to attack it? it is a way to reafirm your own opinion...

this world is full of narrowmindeds... and we can´t do anything against this... not in music, nor in life...
Nightfall is by far my favourite Blind Guardian album - it's the 90's reincarnation of early Queen, there's a discernible and dominating Queen influence there. (Maybe that's why the homophobic meatheads attack it ?)

The Gathering doth rule massively, including the awesome if_then_else, which is very rocking, if you ask me.

D Mullholand
anyone or any band that has actual talent should be given a chance, after hearing them if people dont like it thats fine. everyone should listen to different styles of music, not just metal or just rap and so on. almost a guarentee that something about other genres will appeal to even so called "metalheads", just listen to prince and i bet they will find at least one song they like whether they admit it or not.
It's officially known among (us:spin: ) smart guys that all people who say they enjoy listening to all bands within a spesific genre of music are a-holes and do not qualify to join (us in:spin: ) the smart-guys-club.

Yet you cannot judge people for saying that they enjoy a spesific kind of music, because that kind describes in a nutshell just what their soul long for.
I do also like Peter Gabriels wideo - Sledgehammer
"I want to be - youre a Sledghammer
Oh no you dont calling my name!"
Loona said:
is that the one with dancing dead chickens in it? (what about chickeeeeeens? <- sorry :grin: )

It shows Peters face and with assorted fruits moving to the beat of the Slegehammer song!