Metalhead Vs Metalhead?


Something in My Eye
Jan 12, 2009
Why is it that everytime I go on a youtube video of a metal video/song and scroll down to the comments, it's just a parade of metalheads cussing and demeaning each other?

I mean it's ok if someone comes on and says "METAL SUCKS!" and all the metalheads gang up on him! That's what being a metalhead is all about, us against the world!

But when it's a guy going "FUCK NILE, FINNTROLL RULE! Take your shitty egyptian death metal and......." then we have a problem! The internet is creating sub-genre elitists! Now it's no more about being a metalhead, but being a Thrash Metal head, and thinking Black Metal heads have poor taste in music?

And it's only going to get worse from here, we will have instead of a Death Metal head, you have a Slam Death Metal head, who hates Blackened Death metal heads etc etc...

If metalheads can't appreciate metal as being metal, then we have a may not like the actual music, but hell it's metal (well most of the subgenres anyway) and that's that!
People could always try caring not caring about what other say, that generally solves a lot of problems. Unfortunately most people that label themselves as "Metalheads" are people clearly lacking something in their lives whether it be physically or emotionally and thus need some kind of crutch in life to make them feel like they have a purpose. Leave them to their childish arguements and let the world laugh at how pathetic they look. And if anyone make judgement upon you as a "metalhead" kindly take it with a pinch of salt and clearly show them their fault in mis-judging you.
As far as metalhead vs metalhead, I think there are typically two reasons you see this.

1) Especially in the later 90's and early 00's hardcore (then metalcore) and nu-metal came on the scene. Younger kids getting into heavy music got into a lot of that stuff and them and the media lumped it all under the genre of metal. Those of us who had been into metal for a while did not buy it, and took issue with the whole idea.

2) People have this need to feel superior to others (not just in metal), so the least secure among us tend to insult the bands they view as trendy, or just don't like. Actually, we probably all do it to a certain degree. I love to trash Panterrible.
I have little to no tolerance for the "Metal Elite". It should be as simple as you like what you like, I like what I like. End of. When people judge a person on what their musical interests are that where I tow the line. Its very childish school like behavior.
I never ever ever read YouTube comments unless I think it might really really pertain to my interests, just to preserve what little brain cells I have left. You can find an impassioned Obama or religion debate by the second page of any YouTube video with over 100 comments, as a rule, just like you can find boobs on Google by the second or third page no matter what you search for.
Why is it that everytime I go on a youtube video of a metal video/song and scroll down to the comments, it's just a parade of metalheads cussing and demeaning each other?

I mean it's ok if someone comes on and says "METAL SUCKS!" and all the metalheads gang up on him! That's what being a metalhead is all about, us against the world!

But when it's a guy going "FUCK NILE, FINNTROLL RULE! Take your shitty egyptian death metal and......." then we have a problem! The internet is creating sub-genre elitists! Now it's no more about being a metalhead, but being a Thrash Metal head, and thinking Black Metal heads have poor taste in music?

And it's only going to get worse from here, we will have instead of a Death Metal head, you have a Slam Death Metal head, who hates Blackened Death metal heads etc etc...

If metalheads can't appreciate metal as being metal, then we have a may not like the actual music, but hell it's metal (well most of the subgenres anyway) and that's that!

inorite? why can't we all just get along? :(
People could always try caring not caring about what other say, that generally solves a lot of problems. Unfortunately most people that label themselves as "Metalheads" are people clearly lacking something in their lives whether it be physically or emotionally and thus need some kind of crutch in life to make them feel like they have a purpose. Leave them to their childish arguements and let the world laugh at how pathetic they look. And if anyone make judgement upon you as a "metalhead" kindly take it with a pinch of salt and clearly show them their fault in mis-judging you.

That's a bold statement, though i'm inclined to agree.
Well, just because people are in the same subculture, doesn't mean they aren't going to squabble with eachother, and also doesn't mean they aren't twats. look at all the wastes of oxygen who just get drunk and headbang all the time, who's minds lack substance and who are shallower than a fucking puddle. Better excuse for a genocide? no. But more to the point, just because metalheads should be "metal brothers dude" doesn't mean they won't argue amongst eachother about music, but I don't buy all that "metal brothers" wank anyway, like said balloon head moshing twats. They sure as fuck aren't my brothers, thank jesus.

quick edit and more thought: Put the details aside for a moment, what it all comes down to is that people aren't going to agree with everything all the time. So they'll argue. Try joining in, its great fun!
Mayan Blackened Jazz Metal with Death Metal influences sucks.

That exists?

That makes me want to make my new death metal subgenre, White Noise Reggae Death Metal.

Trust me, I could make more.