i did this on the megadeth boards and introduce yourself but...

Demiurge said:
If you're not a negro, I'll let it fly, but you should only listen to metal in east india. Might as well live there, too.

it's as if you have to have a seal of approval from teh Demiurge.:Smug:

something especially wrong with negroes or jews?

Someone posted up there that Japanese people are metal.

In my experience Japanese people like metal that's close to their crappy pop stuff. Like Dragonforce.
Like.....all kinds of music are popular in Japan. Pig Destroyer do one date in the US, but go for a full Japanese tour with Napalm Death or something.


dude im a metalhead and i happen to be white.the color of a persons' skin has nothing to do with being a true metalhead as far as im concerned.you are every bit a metalhead as anyone and everyone else who loves metal is.
Intoxicator said:
Probably because you live in California.

That is part of it , and also everyone else are wanna be gang banging niggaz or emo fags. Still my point is not every metal head is white even in an area where a countless amount of metal bands come from. All that matters is you enjoy metal
Barking Pumpkin said:
Like.....all kinds of music are popular in Japan. Pig Destroyer do one date in the US, but go for a full Japanese tour with Napalm Death or something.
:lol: It's so true!

I ask you, where did Spinal Tap tour when their US career was failing? :)
It's also an easy place to tour I guess since they love everything and are such a small country. :p

Edit: Compared to the US, or Europe.
lol never said it was a rare breed.i'm sure there are many metalheads that aren't white as well.my point is music is for everyone.