

THE Pimpmaster of SoCal.
Mar 11, 2004
La Habra, CA
Am I the only person who thinks most metalheads are very closedminded? We all seem to have the opinion "If it isn't metal, it sucks!" And if there's any HINT of popular music (nu-metal) then it sucks! I'm right alongside everyone else in saying that nu-metal sucks, and that if it isn't metal, I probably won't like it, but does anyone here like any other styles of music? If not, does this contribute to my statement that metalheads are the most closed minded of people?
Metalheads tend to be my least favorite part of metal. As for the whole nu-metal thing, the paranoia against it is just rediculous at this point. Yeah, anything that has even a HINT of nu-metal in it is crap. Downtuned riff? crap. Catchy chorus? crap. etc.... i remember the days when nu-metal used to be Disturbed, Linkin Park, Limp Bizkit, etc.... the whole broad comparisons to nu-metal these days are rediculous. Someone said Nevermore's "Enemies of Reality" was without a doubt a nu-metal album. Someone said Opeth's "Bleak" sounded "too nu-metalish for them". Hypocrisy's Catch 22? oh its catchy, its nu-metal! and of course that means it sucks! Devildriver? pfft, you shoulda seen the reaction to them on the Opeth board, they have a member of Coal Chamber in them, its nu-metal crap! doesn't matter what it sounded like musically of course. etc, etc.... this whole rediculously broad paranoia is probably my biggest pet peeve.
its fuuny you mention that i am not a fan of dealing with people inside the "commuinty".i actually listen to alot of music in my collection me and vanessa both are big suckers for pop punk we are diehard sum 41 and blink 182 fans.and i am a huge cure fan.and jazz as well i love it.
this is something rapture is based on not having to fit into a mold i dont wear spikes hell i dont wear band sahirts very often i dont feel the need to prove myself to be metal i am who i am and that is it.
I wouldn't call myself close minded. In fact, I seem to be listening to more hard rock lately than metal. And I don't like all metal either. Some metal just plain fucking annoys me, such as King Diamond or Cannibal Corpse. *shudders* Example of my non-metalness: np: Stevie Ray Vaughn-Texas Flood
yea i'm huge on sum 41 right now, but I guess they do have metal influences. Since I'm a chick I'm getting big on Tori Amos and all those chick singers, for a while I listened to straight the gathering. I guess Lately, like today, I listened to Tori, Blink, Sum, Trivium, that's a great album I was surprised! Also carcass, and opeth is always in there. So that's a pretty eclectic mix right there. lol
My collection is like 75% metal, so I'm mostly a die-hard metalhead, but I also have a wide variety of other stuff.
Tchaikovsky and Debussy
Stabbing Westward
Family Values Tour 99 (some 'numetal', rap)
numerous movie soundtracks
a few video game soundtracks
Metropolis 1999-2002 (techno/industrial/goth)
A good collection of comedy (Carlin is your ruler)
Tar Babies (kind of a disco indie alt rock thing)
Several compilations with Irish, Celtic, and other World Folk stuff
Den Fule (Norse Folk Rock)
compilations for Punk (less commercial stuff, like christ on a crutch, etc)
and I've been an Offspring fan for a while.. they got funny lyrics

but all in all, nothing beats a good sitting of Dream Theater, Bloodbath, Bodom, Nevermore, and Acid Bath!
"Since I'm a chick I'm getting big on Tori Amos"

...................................................I'm not a chick...................and I like.........Tori Amos. Should I be worried? Is my manhood now in question? Wait....what manhood?
For what its worth, there are fans of all sorts of genres who think everything else is shite. With that said, the first music I ever got into as a little kid was KISS and AC/DC so I've always had a thing for the heavier side of music. However, I listen to all sorts of shit that isn't even rock, much less metal. I think there are really alot of metalheads who dig other music, metal is a musicians music after all. Remember that the big bands before the NWOBHM didn't even consider themselves metal (Black Sabbath, Deep Purple, Led Zeppelin) and genre naming is as much a marketing tool as anything. I remember people saying Slayer's Diablous in Musica was nu metal...yeah, right! Metal has been around for like 30 years now, and has splintered into so many sub-genres that saying you are a metalhead now requires some explanation (do you like death or power metal or both etc) and the influences that have caused such a range of styles go beyond metal. This happens in alot of genres of music that last long enough. I will spare you guys my rant about how bebop, bluegrass, and thrash were all responding in similar ways to the larger genres they were part of (they all sped things up for one...) but musical ideas cross boundries more than you might think. Likewise, I bet we all have cd's we would rather our metal friends didn't know about...Thats ok, I won't judge you. And Tori Amos covered Slayer so I think it is officially ok for us to listen to her... :rock:
Oh, I'm not ashamed I like her. I'm perfectly comfortable with not being metal. The only problem with that I am the Lord of Metal. Thus, in conclusion, metal is dead. :D
I have one thing to say:

I hate the specific genres called shitty, mediocre, and stupid music.

Thats all I have to say about that. My opinions are my own.
I wouldn't think metalheads are closed minded people. Comparing to other diehard music fanatics (be it classical, folk, hip-hop), metalheads aren't as bad as one thinks.
I listen to almost all metal but I've been doing it for 18 years now and I'm not even close to getting sick of it. I do occasionally listen to other stuff like Jethro Tull, Dead Can Dance, Enigma, Enchanted, NIN, and I'll even listen to the Bee Gees every once in a while. If I like it, I get it and if not, I don't listen to it.