Are You There?

i hate to say it, but why does it happen every fokking time i feel in a way about things, Danny writes a song and *exactly* put his finger on the right spot??
Ffs Dan, cut me some slack, i'm a musician too u know... :p
i respect lyrics about mums.i didnt mean to do bad criticism,really.the lyrics go quite nice like.not cheesy at all either.just when i suspect that its about love i dont pay much attention.regarding the thing Mehdi said,tho,they grow in my head more and more beautifully:Spin:
ah no not again. ive been discussing that matter for ages, and im not arsed doing it again. but to make it short id rather want to know the real meaning of a song.
i would not respect judgement so much if it was about chicks.i wouldnt like one last goodbye if it was about a gf dumping you.relationship with mums is holy.relationships with bfs and gfs is just inferior to me(cos they usually hide the perspective of temporary)
marginalé said:
and who cares?!?

it's about wat you see in it yourself not what the artist sees in it.
oh no! knowing from which background the artist wrote the song from, is quite important to me! it tells me more about other songs, and how universal feelings are.

i'd definately would wanna know mate..
toolsofthetrade said:
i hate to say it, but why does it happen every fokking time i feel in a way about things, Danny writes a song and *exactly* put his finger on the right spot??
i had the same feeling,you know...
somnium_in_tenebris said:
i would not respect judgement so much if it was about chicks.i wouldnt like one last goodbye if it was about a gf dumping you.relationship with mums is holy.relationships with bfs and gfs is just inferior to me(cos they usually hide the perspective of temporary)

so you won't likethe cd if it was about a gf dumping you?
i'd want to know the meaning of a song too, but most of the time you don't get an explanation or a background and i think it's only natural to make up your own story
pagan2002 said:
its the answer to the question
Hahahahahah.. right... good one ;)

somnium_in_tenebris said:
but i dont like love lyrics.i actually cant stand them except for very very few like MDB's Sear me MCM.....(blah)
.... ah well.. love is so much, but I agree to that lyrics about someone dumping you are extremely boring..