Area 54 Best Unsigned Band in K


New Metal Member
Oct 28, 2001
Just heard that Area 54 came 3rd in the Best Unsigned Band category of the Kerrang readers' poll so thanks to everyone who voted for them. :headbang:
the current topic of discussion in chat is how great it is that 54 got that in the poll.
all these gigs must have really done something!!!

Ok so when we were in worcester i made up 20% of the crowd - ok - that was an exageration- but i noticed that even when there were a limited number of people the crowd still managed to go pretty batty - which really says alot about the band,,,, ok ok im biased, im obsessed yada yada yada.

but there have been a massive amount of people getting into them this year what with the blaze gigs,saxon gigs, bloodstock and bulldog, not to mention the autumn tour, but with a position in a poll like that, surely the record companies have got to take another look!!!!!!! ( please! ) Hopefully this will help em 'See the light !' ( mg ducks to hide from pun)

Raa..opinions on a postcard please- alternativley just use the forum ! :lol: :lol: :tickled:
Worcester? Bradford i was 100% of the front row, i wuz knackered ;)

No, seriously, theyve bloody earned this, and ive seen how much effort & time they put into it. They deserve a record deal, they should of never been dropped.

Up the 54's! (not like THAT ;) )
Great poll result for 54, they should have come first though :D

As for a record deal, I see Dreamcatcher have now got rid of 'Defrenswhateverthebleedinhellsthatallabout' now, looks like they've finally realised what we all knew about that band ;):D

Shame they didn't realise when they did have a cracking british metal band on their label and put a bit more effort into supporting them.:mad:
Wow, that´s really cool for the band to get that... though it would have been killer for them to have won it again - has any band ever won the unsigned award twice? Hopefully it will alert some record company that will give them proper backing *coughunlikedreamcatchercough*!

Can someone please write on here the full 10 band result of that recent award (where 54 came 3rd) because I cannot get Kerrang here? Ta very muchly! :)
Originally posted by Diamond Dave
Believe New England won best unsigned twice in a row (at least).

Best unsigned band result:
  1. Pitchblend
  2. SikTh
  3. Area 54
  4. Babies 3
  5. Solace Denied
  6. Grayskull
  7. Spoonfed
  8. Tripswitch
  9. Zwan
  10. Powder

  1. Thank you very much for that Dave - much appreciated mate!
    I've never heard of Believe New England or any of the bands in that list apart from SikTh, 54, Powder and Solace Denied! Hmmm, anyone know what the others are like then? Solly D are fucking great, I mean REALLY great so I'd advise anyone into extreme metal to check them out - a brilliant mix of black, thrash and virtually every sort of extreme metal!
That should have been "I believe New England"

I can't remember much about how NE sounded, but I can remember they got played a few times on the R1 rock show in the early-mid 90s.

SikTh, Powder and Solace... are the only bands I've heard of in that list too.