

Old Fart
Jul 24, 2001
The Woodlands
Anyone heard this band? I've heard nothing but praise for their latest, 'Incorrigible Bigotry'. Apparently they are a US death metal band with a European influence, but have their own unique sound. And yes, they supposedly have NS lyrics.

Anyone of you that get all these promos heard this one?
Whoa I just saw that album cover today and laughed my balls off at the title. Couldn't decipher the band name though.
Drakkar. Or something like that. I've never heard of the label, but there is a review of it in the Your Reviews forum. Im just curious because I've heard that it was good from numerous people.

Red Stream has it for $14, which is kinda pricey, so I wanna make damn sure I'm gonna enjoy it.
npearce said:
You don't actually think we get GOOD promos, do you?
Have you seen Chedsey's notice at SSMT practically begging for labels to stop sending him promos? Also, JimLOTFP recently made a comment about being happier to receive gas & telephone bills over promos these days. :tickled:
NAD said:
Whoa I just saw that album cover today and laughed my balls off at the title. Couldn't decipher the band name though.
The label went bankrupt after a European-wide boycott of its previous releases, thus affecting ARGHOSLENT’s debut CD’s distribution. Negative reviews and uncouth criticisms served as catalysts for the bands’ inborn arrogance and creative fervor.
I'll admit this at least has me curious. I'll wait until someone else ponies up the 14 small for it though.
"how does it feel to be a bastard ? (i.e. an american)" :tickled:

"shove your arsenal of glory up you ass, idiot" [from gay brandon]

"hey, i dont like you and your musicx, you are brutal, sick, homophobic and racists, i spit on you you are only sick beasts" [from gayblack202002]


The one from gayblack was the funniest because you can imagine the gayness in the way he would actually call someone a "sick beast".
I must say, I am one mouse click away from ordering that CD. Or I could order two Nokturnal Mortum CDs (i've already ordered Goat Horns) from The End.

decisions, decisions.....
You know, being the pessimist that I am, I would go for the NM CD's. At least that way you can be sure to get some quality material, and IF you didn't like it, you could easily re-sell it.

Having said that, life is all about taking risks! And that cover art of Rome in flames rules! \m/
Well, being the pessimist I am, I'd like to wait until I hear Goat Horns before ordering any more NM CDs just to be safe.

Yeah, that cover art really sells that album.
a review of Arghoslent's second album, taken from Teufels TOmb:

Arghoslent hail from Virginia, and this is their second full-length CD which was originally intended to be their first album. Arghoslent play a very melodic and triumphant form of death metal completely in its own league. There are some NWOBHM influences in the melodies, but this is just one of the most proud, triumphant and warmongering death metal atmospheres I've ever heard. Arghoslent are masters of their craft.

The production here is rather demo quality but one is able to hear everything that is going on without a problem. The final 3 tracks are from their 1994 demo and have slightly worse production, but they are very good tracks nonetheless. I am completely blown away by the originality and atmosphere of Arghoslent, and I think that they are hands down the best melodic death metal band ever. Stunning riffage!

The vocals are a rather standard death metal growl, and work fine within the music. The lyrics have a definite white pride slant to them, and seem to deal with bits of history as well as descriptions of war and conquest. This may put many people off, but the music of Arghoslent is much too good and enjoyable to overlook. They are certainly in their own league.
The ruling: Absolutely great melodic death metal. Just pure metal!


I will probably buy this tomorrow. Yee-haw!!!!
I think I may have an album or something of Arghoslent. Not sure though. If I do it was in the free batch I got from Raw Nerve, I haven't listened to much opf that stuff. (Two out or eight cds)