Arizona show


My soul got a crack
Sep 9, 2002
Phoenix AZ
Amazing night indeed. Three of my favorite bands ever, and it felt like it would never end(That's a good thing). Got to the venue around 6:30 ish, due to my lack of directions, but thanks to Kelvin's father, we made it. So I meet up in line with friends then we go in. Picked up a Iced Earth and Evergrey shirt, have enough Bodom ones already. On to the first band.

First opener, Evergrey, an extremely talented band, took the stage. Opening up with Blinded, one of my fav songs. It was a full on metal ride. These guys were so precise with their instruments, and really got the crowd going. After some songs from Recreation Day, In Search Of Truth, and Inner Circle, we came to the last song, The Masterplan, amazing song indeed. Henrik was pointing at me a few times, noticing me singing along. Highlights: Blinded, Recreation Day, A Touch Of Blessing and Masterplan

Second up, the mighty Finns themselves, Children Of Bodom. Starting out with the intro "They're coming to take me away haha..." it went to total mayhem. Right when the keyboards of Hate Me! started til the striking riffage of Downfall ended, it was a metal haven. Looks as if since the Dimmu tour, that Bodom have really gained in popularity. Glad to see that, since America is usually stubborn when it comes to talented bands. Anyways, during some parts Alexis guitar was a little low, but you can still hear what was going on. That guy is so damn precise, note for note everytime, crazy. Roope did a really great job, same with the rest of the Hate Crew. Highlights: Hate Me!, Silent Night Bodom Night, Angels Don't Kill, Hatecrew Deathroll, and of course Downfall.

Now it's the masters of heavy metal, The mighty Iced Earth. The two hour set started with Star Spangled Banner/Declaration Day and never lost its greatness from there. Tim was so great on the older material, really impressed me a lot. Once again during this set I was suprised when I was singing along Jon pointed at me and smiled, makes me happy that they notice stuff like that. After about 40 or so minutes of music Tim says SOMETHING...and the crowd goes WICKED!! We all know what that means, the Something Wicked Trilogy was coming up. From Prophecy to the Coming Curse, it was one of the very best moments I have witnessed, truly a Class A performance. Then when you finally think they're done, the Flags are put out and Jon and Ralph come out in their respected uniforms for none other than the Gettysburg Trilogy. It was so wonderful, flawless too. Nothing can top that. Then when the 32 minutes of bliss were over, the name sake of the band came up, Iced Earth. From the very first riff, the crowd went fucking nuts. Even Tom, Henrik and Jonas from Evergrey came out to support the song. The rest of the fans and I picked up the Evergrey guys on top for a Swedish crowd surf. How neat. As Iced Earth wrapped up, I was speechless. It was the best performance I have ever witnessed. Gods Of Metal. Highlights: Violate, Greenface, Burning Times, Dracula, Something Wicked Tril, Gettysburg, and of course Iced Earth.

All in all I had a killer time. I could not ask for anything else more, flawless as hell. Hope to see all these bands again one day. Hail! :hotjump: :rock:
hell yea, the show fuckin killed. evergrey was damn good as well as iced earth. the bass was so damn loud though, almost shit my pants. bodom tore the place to shreds and the crowd was really into it. me and my moccasins made it through the night thankfully. thanks for a good show, hope to see all the bands again soon.
yes indeed the show rocked! I was in the very front, don't know if i saw you guys or not. I got an Evergrey shirt, Bodom shirt and Iced Earth shirt (2nd one). They all ruled my world! I was really glad that alot of people who hadnt heard Evergrey dug them. They deserved it. Great show and now im hoping that i get to see Iced Earth again June 5th when they are with Beyond the Embrace and Trivium in KS. Wooo! Oh what was up with them not allowing cameras in? I put one in my crotch but only got a few shots...damn security.
Yeah, the security are fuckin nazis here. I was gonna bring a camera, but if I would have gotten awesome shots and then get my camera taken away, I would have killed someone.
yea i was at the very front too. excellent show indeed, cob played 1)hate me!, 2)chokehold(cocked n loaded), 3)sixpounder, 4)angels dont kill, 5)silent night, bodom night, 6)needled 24/7, 7)everytime i die, 8)hate crew deathroll, 9)downfall. thats pretty close to the order. if any of you guys remember seein some guys sitting on the tailgate of a truck right at the front of the line i was one of them, i was the one with the shaved head and impaled nazarene shirt that says "satan wants you dead". but anyways it was a great fuckin show.
Yeah, that was a killer show last night! I had a great time! I was up front to the right when COB played! I was wearing the COB Finland shirt. I don't think I saw any of you guys there. But in line ,before the doors opened, I thought I heard someone mention my name once. But I don't know. Anyway, it was an awesome show alltogether!
I think i saw you eternal_nightmare213 - I noticed a guy with a shaved head and an I.N. shirt walking past those young kids who where eating pizza on the sidewalk. You probly wouldn't remember me since i looked kinda similar to most dudes there - dark green jeans and black punisher t-shirt with a bloody red skull on the front, shoulder length brown hair, faded tan airwalks. Real skinny.


Yeah - i'm that weird lookin guy up there. I remember people hanging out on a tailgate though.

Wish Bodom had stayed on for longer.Still a cool show, though. I've never been to that place before, either - it was really cool looking when i first alked inside. Red lights beaming down over dark bricks. It kind of looked like a city street in New Orleans... pretty cool.
eternal_nightmare213 said:
yea i was at the very front too. excellent show indeed, cob played 1)hate me!, 2)chokehold(cocked n loaded), 3)sixpounder, 4)angels dont kill, 5)silent night, bodom night, 6)needled 24/7, 7)everytime i die, 8)hate crew deathroll, 9)downfall. thats pretty close to the order. if any of you guys remember seein some guys sitting on the tailgate of a truck right at the front of the line i was one of them, i was the one with the shaved head and impaled nazarene shirt that says "satan wants you dead". but anyways it was a great fuckin show.

I remember you. I remember all of you there actually. I was the one in front with the Death Cult Dimmu shirt, leather pants and boots that pissed off the "old dude". Although I'd have to say evergrey and Iced(Holy Shit especially Iced) sounded the best out there that night, CoB still sounded a hell of alot better than the last time they played at that venue when they toured with Dimmu.
Jeez, I wish I seen you all out there...i unfortunately arrived a little too late to that show....damn 202 traffic!!!!!!!! I was stuck on I10 and the 202 FOREVER!!! and by the time i got there i was in back...that sucked. But the show killed! Worth the wait!
Hey Storm, you were the guy i was talkin with before the show. I was the one with the Iced Earth - Horror Show shirt on. Remember that guy with the Cradle of Filth shirt came over and talked with us too.
DreamX said:
Hey Storm, you were the guy i was talkin with before the show. I was the one with the Iced Earth - Horror Show shirt on. Remember that guy with the Cradle of Filth shirt came over and talked with us too.

LOL yep. I remember. He wanted me to join his band but lived like way in fuckin timfuck too. I just thought he finished smokin some really bad crack, but then he was followin me and shit after the show when I got Ripper's autograph. Man Iced Earth played like fuckin FLAWLESS that night. Ripper belongs in that band. I was wondering when you'd post up here. It's been a while since I posted on this site. This is probably too late notice, but I found out that Grave Digger's playin at the Mason Jar tomorrow night June 6th at 6pm.(All u have to remember is 06/06/6pm:rock:666) Me and some friends are goin. I found out like 2 days ago. Ticketmaster fucked up and didn't list it on their site, but it's still in the confirmed concerts area when you click on the actual Mason Jar link. Probably very few know. We're just gonna get tickets at the door. It's like 10 bucks I think.
oh man that woulda been fun to go up in kc again for awhile tho...but im coming down for college in august...cant wait for Nightwish believe it or not.