Army Of Darkness Remake


I hate wiener dogs. Dreadful creatures.
Mar 3, 2004
Tulsa, Ok
I was listening to this song today and I think of all the songs from the past they should redo this one in newer form. Or Speargods hall. The Bass solo thing in Amry of Darkness reminds me of a guy like running flailing his arms wildly, every time I hear it it makes me laugh cause I get this picture. ITS AN AMWESOME song and i think it would be awesome to bring it back. If anyones got the extra cd with amry of darkness on it give it another listen and when it hits the bass part just try and tell me it doesnt remind you of someone running. MAybe a christian monk being run down perhaps?? Oh and AMON is the only real death metal band I like cause I think every other vocalist in brutal death metal sucks, Something about his voice is does it for me. All the others like deicide and cannibal corpse those vox suck. Ive been listening to AA since OSFTGH came out and I still have never heard a better death band.
nobody really said anything about the song at all. Yes evil dead does rock yes. Still the song people. Anybody think they should re do it. Or has anybody ever listened to it all the way through.
hmmm well at first I thought.. movie ... yes..

But then I read you're post and saw it was about the song....
Well if they should re do it...don't is already at the special edition of Versus the World.
Too many remakes are getting a bore !!