Art Thread

Dicking around with Photoshop:

I don't know if I said this already, but this shot is amazing. Ever think about making HD prints?

Do you mean HDR? Because technically this could be called an HDR. They're all taken in HD. 10+ megapixels. These panoramics I do are all stitched together with 8+ images... usually on average anyway. This one was about 5 photos I believe.
Do you mean HDR? Because technically this could be called an HDR. They're all taken in HD. 10+ megapixels. These panoramics I do are all stitched together with 8+ images... usually on average anyway. This one was about 5 photos I believe.

I think she means physical high resolution printouts.
I think she means physical high resolution printouts.

Well either way, they all are. All my panoramics print up to about 6 feet high/wide. The summer panoramic I have I had printed and framed for my mother's birthday last year, ended up being 6 feet wide, 2 1/2 feet tall.
wow stormie, its been awhile since I've checked the thread too! Your pencil/texture work is amazing! I would love to see you do a self portrait. HINT HINT :D Just grab a mirror and go to town.
Thanks, I humbly like to think I'm getting better and better too.

But I'm not sure about a self-portrait. I'm not too keen on my own facial features...

Another WIP, for a BioWare tarot set (which will probably never be completed, fan efforts being what they are, but I nabbed Tali just so nobody else would).


Tali's the 6 of Swords, representing 'earned success'. I'm going to put her shotgun in one hand and her omni-tool in the other, showing the success she's gained with them through hard work in overcoming the prejudices and hatred for her kind.

<3 Tali.
a self portrait is a very strange experience, and oddly enough you get to know yourself a little better, also its the most willing model at your disposal, best practice you can get too! :D But yesh, you are really improving, I can really see this from the first time I saw your drawings to date.
Don't take this personally, your art is incredible but, I think you would benefit greatly by at the least trying charcoal out. It help me a shit ton with shading and learning not to be afraid to add extra Contrast to a picture. Thems my two cents.
Don't take this personally, your art is incredible but, I think you would benefit greatly by at the least trying charcoal out. It help me a shit ton with shading and learning not to be afraid to add extra Contrast to a picture. Thems my two cents.
I know what you're saying, and I appreciate the insight, but fact is, I don't have the time or place to work with charcoal. Usually my drawings are made when I find some time at work, and I really can't be using charcoal at work. I know my work needs extra contrast and values, but I've been thinking of another way to get that done.

Thanks for the two cents, it's always appreciated :)
Yeah I'm just an amateur.Most stuff I try to do just sparkle in my mind and I GOTTA materialize whatever it is in any form. Like this Dali ripoff I tried: