Art Thread

I don't usually post stuff I do for work, because for the most part, by the time it's edited, tweaked, and finally accepted and approved by the powers that be, it's so far gone from my original artistic idea that I just don't give a shit about it anymore and disagree with a lot of the aspects of it.

Regardless, here is some stuff I've done on company time that I don't totally hate.

This is a logo I did for a jock on KISW. I generally hate making vector logos and what not and rarely have any inspiration to do it. This one came together in about 10 minutes though and it one of the scenarios where I just decided to stop before it got complicated. The only change they wanted was a red border around the words, which I added and didn't totally hate. So that is how the final version looks, but I prefer this one personally so it's the one I'm showing :)


This is a poster I did for last year's Rock Girl Gala. The theme for this one was "Rock Girls 3000". Futuristic, if you will. I really enjoyed working with the bright pink colors and sleek fonts. One thing I hate about this though, is the Since October logo. WHY DOES THE S CUT OFF LIKE THAT?! This logo was sent to me by the band's label rep, so it's official. It's even like that one their albums and website. WTF!!!!


This is a redesign of the Rock Girls logo I did for THIS year's Rock Girl Gala. The theme this year is "Sinners and Saints".


This one was never approved or used. I did a bunch of different logos for the Rock Shop and this was my personal favorite, but everyone else hated it. It's big a big image to show the detail. I think part of the reason it was shot down is because at smaller, web sized resolutions this detail is jumbled and unattractive.


This one isn't very special aesthetically, but the entire concept is pretty funny. It's supposed to resemble a ridiculous movie poster. This was one of the better themed parties we've had. This was the one I dressed as Dimebag for and barely remember.


This is one is a joint design I did with our old Graphic Designer. This is actually capture of the layout for the microsite I built for this event.

Nice posters. I have no idea how difficult or time-consuming it is to make those, though, since I know jack-shit about that field. :)

Finished Ultima:


Very big props on this man! I think this is the best I've seen from you yet! I love the angle, love the colors, and overall a very well made piece.
Nice posters. I have no idea how difficult or time-consuming it is to make those, though, since I know jack-shit about that field. :)

Finished Ultima:


Damnit, I accidentally edited instead of quoted myself, Oh well... REPOST!

regardless, and no offense (i'm a really nitpicky photoshopper so it's not just you) but that is blatant filter abuse in my opinion. When I saw your graphic, the first thing that came to mind is "plastic wrap" and "poster edges", not "kvlt". Also, I'm very graphically jaded by now so take that at face value :lol:

My philosophy is that it's best to use the filters in a subtle manner so as not be recognized instantly, although I rarely use them outside of work to begin with. The version I just posted was two separate steps, took less than a minute, and I think represents the "kvlt" stereotype imagery better.
Yes poster edges. No plastic wrap, cause it didn't do anything at all, instead I did pencil outline for the first layer, and started blurring it a bit because it stood out too much. The background I did a carpet texture. I tried playing a bit with the threshold/hue/saturation, and I never liked the results I get outta that. I wasn't planning on spending more than 10 minutes editing the pic anyway. Yours did come out better though (again, I tried too hard haha).