Art Thread

Red Berries! :D
Been working on something new too. I was kinda lost for inspiration so I thought I'd practice my referenceless drawing for a bit, only making it substantially harder by drawing two people (which is much more difficult than it sounds, since not only do the proportions on individual characters have to be right, but they have to be in proportion to the other character as well). I didn't really know what to draw, so I just made one of my favourite Touhou character and her best (and only) friend. Don't worry, it's no yuri or anything, although some will doubtless interpret it as such.


I have just now noticed that, even though I deliberately tried to make sure it didn't look like shipping propaganda, Keine's hand is actually on Mokou's butt... :erk:
Yeah scanners will do a number on your drawings, especially if you draw lightly. Still, looks awfully cool! :)
Thanks man. There's a professional place near where I live that's supposed to have a super-sensitive scanner. They'll scan my drawings professionally in high resolutions for a pretty cheap price. I'll go and try it out. If it turns out good then I'll rescan all my works so that they finally look good online.
It's true though :)

I like watching how you guys develop with every piece. The work on this page is varied and wonderful