Art Thread

Heh Stormo this will probably sound ultra nit-picky-ish... but the only thing about that drawing so far that looks "wrong" to me would be her pointy fingertips :D

The knife and it's detail look totally rad though, and the background scene looks just like gazing over the viaduct and seeing a post-apocalyptic downtown Seattle. Cool shit. Like she's sitting on the waterfront going 'Heh heh, look what I just did."
Heh Stormo this will probably sound ultra nit-picky-ish... but the only thing about that drawing so far that looks "wrong" to me would be her pointy fingertips :D

The knife and it's detail look totally rad though, and the background scene looks just like gazing over the viaduct and seeing a post-apocalyptic downtown Seattle. Cool shit. Like she's sitting on the waterfront going 'Heh heh, look what I just did."

Its not finished yet duder. Im sure once he pulls it all together you wont notice the fingers.
Heh Stormo this will probably sound ultra nit-picky-ish... but the only thing about that drawing so far that looks "wrong" to me would be her pointy fingertips :D
Constructive criticism is *never* too nitpicky, thanks for the pointer - someone on another forum just noticed the same thing :D

The knife and it's detail look totally rad though, and the background scene looks just like gazing over the viaduct and seeing a post-apocalyptic downtown Seattle. Cool shit. Like she's sitting on the waterfront going 'Heh heh, look what I just did."
The post-apocalyptic thing is accurate, but she had nothing to do with it. It's a character from my Fallout 2 Fanfic, hence the destroyed buildings. The city's Reno by the way :)

Its not finished yet duder. Im sure once he pulls it all together you wont notice the fingers.
You won't notice them, because I'm going to correct them ^_^

Thanks for the nitpicking, it's *always* appreciated :)
More Angela. Not too happy about the shading in the face yet, needs some more work.


I been wondering about this, keep it up!
nah, you're no noob, it's just Typography-language

and Dan - that's what a second pair of eys are good for! I am always also amazed by things I miss in my own work because my eyes are so 'used' to the piece and won't notice little errors (which is why- thank god for Art Directors ;) )

Yup, I usually ask someone to look at stuff before I'm done. Funny thing too, is that I changed the font last minute and probably just didn't pay much attention. Oh well, no harm done.