Art Thread

You know from the Secret Santa thread that I think your drawing of Isabel is the best ever! On the second one, I really love how black you rendered Angela's pants! And again that is truly awesome for having no reference what so ever! :)
Did some more face studies, and I kinda liked how this came out. I'll probably do something more with it than use it just for a study.

FF8 is my favorite FF evar.
Still VII for me. IV second, and then XII I think (still playing it). I used to beat on FFVIII like a red-headed stepchild, but lately I've grown to appreciate it, despite the completely retarded level scaling, and the bang-your-head-on-the-desk-stupid draw system.

and yes i would pay money for it. mai is soooooo freakin hot.

im looking forward to the Edea picture though.
So am I :)
Stormo, you put many many hours into the portrait of Isabel, and it shows! It's definitely her!

Ahem, I'm demanding more art here, people...
Hop to it!
*and motivate me while you're at it, too* :waah:
Lets see... hmmmmm.

Mothmen, Forests, Horses, Doggies, Alucard, metal, nekkid harpy chicks.

*Edit: Fishies, Kittens, Photergraphs, *cough* Mr. Dane *cough*
Also, Lesa... You need to post some of your stuff tooooooooooooooooo, Okay I'll post some for you!

Lesa made this in High School.
Cause she's pimp like that.


Also She did one of me.
