Art Thread

Those are some pretty cool lesbian spiders.

Some day I'm going to be in a bar hitting on this great girl. Then when we get back to my/her place I'll find out she's half-spider, and at which time I will suddenly find myself in a life or death situation.
Does that shit ever happen to anyone? You think you're doing great with this totally hot girl/guy only to find out they're secretly flesh eating arachnids?
Well, I guess that's where El Stormo got his inspiration. Tell us the story, man...
A few altered pics I took in Maine last year:





Again, nice of you to say so, but I don't have a PayPal account and I wouldn't dream of charging people for it.

Tell you what, if you'd really love to have it, PM me your address and I'll send it to you for free, because I'm awesome like that, on one condition: that it doesn't end up in a drawer or box :)

The drawer box comment reminded me of when I gave an old friend of mine a drawing. She was just about to leave my house when she said "Oh shit, I can't forget the drawing you gave me!" And balled it up, YES, balled it the fuck up and wadded it in her back pack. :ill: She never got another again.

On another note, and I'm being a hypocrite since I don't have the balls, but you should finish up some drawings and sell them on Etsy Stormie. :)
The drawer box comment reminded me of when I gave an old friend of mine a drawing. She was just about to leave my house when she said "Oh shit, I can't forget the drawing you gave me!" And balled it up, YES, balled it the fuck up and wadded it in her back pack. :ill: She never got another again.
God, this reminds me of all the people who walk in on me when I draw and ask, "Can I take a look?" and then, without awaiting the reply, proceed to snatch up the paper, creasing it and smearing the graphite. And then they don't understand why I forbid them to even look over my shoulder...

On another note, and I'm being a hypocrite since I don't have the balls, but you should finish up some drawings and sell them on Etsy Stormie. :)
I'm nowhere near good enough to ask for money for my things. I'll give some away to people who are nice enough to ask politely, but selling them, nah, that's not an option at the moment.

Which reminds me, does anyone know the best way to send a drawing over the mail? I still need to send one, but I don't want it to be damaged when it arrives.

heheh, yeah I rather like using the "fuuuuuuu." version myself.

oh, this is going to be all bad ass when its done. :kickass:
I hope so.


By the way, since you're a Taurus, this would be your Esper ^_^
God, this reminds me of all the people who walk in on me when I draw and ask, "Can I take a look?" and then, without awaiting the reply, proceed to snatch up the paper, creasing it and smearing the graphite. And then they don't understand why I forbid them to even look over my shoulder...

ugh, that too. I don't leave a drawing that I'm working on sitting out anymore because of people who use anything for coasters.

I'm nowhere near good enough to ask for money for my things. I'll give some away to people who are nice enough to ask politely, but selling them, nah, that's not an option at the moment.

Which reminds me, does anyone know the best way to send a drawing over the mail? I still need to send one, but I don't want it to be damaged when it arrives.


By the way, since you're a Taurus, this would be your Esper ^_^

What I do is sandwich the drawing in between two pieces of card board. I put them in a plastic sleeve if its available, but I don't always have that. So I sometimes double up the envelope. Since its only going to be kept in the envelope just for shipping, I use cereal boxes if its going to be around 9x12.You just got to tell people not to keep them in there since its not acid free. Most of mine used to be the size of baseball cards so that was real easy mailing. I write in bold letters on both sides, "do not bend" and I usually take them to the post office to make sure its got enough postage on it, especially if its a really large drawing. Now, I've had many pieces of art get lost in the mail system. Its sad, and heart breaking, but damn that shit happens. :erk:

But your getting so damn good Stormie, that I think your time for selling is coming up real soon. <3

:tickled: thanks for the Final fantasy link.
ugh, that too. I don't leave a drawing that I'm working on sitting out anymore because of people who use anything for coasters.
It's terrible. People have zero respect for other people's achievements these days.

What I do is sandwich the drawing in between two pieces of card board. I put them in a plastic sleeve if its available, but I don't always have that. So I sometimes double up the envelope. Since its only going to be kept in the envelope just for shipping, I use cereal boxes if its going to be around 9x12.You just got to tell people not to keep them in there since its not acid free. Most of mine used to be the size of baseball cards so that was real easy mailing. I write in bold letters on both sides, "do not bend" and I usually take them to the post office to make sure its got enough postage on it, especially if its a really large drawing. Now, I've had many pieces of art get lost in the mail system. Its sad, and heart breaking, but damn that shit happens. :erk:
Yeah, that's shit. I think I'll go buy a spray can of fixative fluid, spray half of it on the drawing, then squash it between two pieces of cardboard like you suggested.

But if you see what those postal cavemen did to the frame of Isabel's drawing, my hopes aren't very high. Maybe two thin plates of triplex might work better.

But your getting so damn good Stormie, that I think your time for selling is coming up real soon. <3
Aw, hun, that's totally sweet of you, but compared to the actual artists, I still suck major balls. :)

:tickled: thanks for the Final fantasy link.
No worries. At least you get a cool dude with horns. If you're Virgo like me, your Esper would be an angel shooting laser bolts out of her butthole.

I finished this a while ago, by the way:

It's terrible. People have zero respect for other people's achievements these days.

Yeah, that's shit. I think I'll go buy a spray can of fixative fluid, spray half of it on the drawing, then squash it between two pieces of cardboard like you suggested.

But if you see what those postal cavemen did to the frame of Isabel's drawing, my hopes aren't very high. Maybe two thin plates of triplex might work better.

Aw, hun, that's totally sweet of you, but compared to the actual artists, I still suck major balls. :)

No worries. At least you get a cool dude with horns. If you're Virgo like me, your Esper would be an angel shooting laser bolts out of her butthole.

I finished this a while ago, by the way:


Oh shit Stormie, I forgot to tell you that I also sandwich it in between some extra blank drawing paper, or old doodle papers that would have gone in the trash, just for the extra protection and to prevent rubbing with the cardboard. I also just recently discovered that Krylons fixative is just as good as Windsor and Newton, for a cool five bucks a can. I had to switch because I was too dang broke.

Yeah damn bastard cave men. It seems they will always find ways of fucking up your package or envelope no matter what you do sometimes.

But, you are an actual artist! Dern it!

awww, I actually envy Virgos :lol: I'd love to shoot laser bolts from my ass.

I really love that one. And I think its different because he's got pointy ears and a heck of allot of hair.