Art Thread

Well I just spent over 3 hours browsing this entire thread full of stellar, insane, livid and lurid artwork and the artists who are all legends in their own right. Storm, Jace, Morganna, you guys all fucking rule. Although putting up anything I ever did is nothing more than an insult to you guys's legend, I'm gonna put it up anyway. This is me. Taken with a laptop webcam and noobishly photoshopped. Enjoy (and pardon the size cut, photobucket is a dick):


Hey, I'm going to agree with swabs in that its very photo shopped, but I am tickled over the compliments you've given me, so in that light, let me take you to my bosom. :tickled:
well, really it's all I know as far (or close) as fine art is concerned. I'm a musician first and foremost, but it's always been fun for me to doodle around with this kinda stuff. That, and photoshop effects easily amuse me. Besides, the original picture looked like shit, instead of rendered clouds, it was just a crappy half-empty room with a futon and a bookshelf behind me...
Can't figure out which version I want Ray Park to sign and have framed. Mom likes the grey, I'm kind of partial to the white...


And a wallpaper for giggles.

The wallpaper's actually the better of the three. The two others, I don't know, the light cloak makes them look odd and powerless. If you must go for one of the two above versions, choose the white one.

Finally I have something new
That's pretty awesome :)

The last actual photo from my camera, which was lost in Seattle yesterday. :(

Had a lot of problems with trying to avoid color and brightness changes throughout the panoramic, had to attempt to tweak it a little in photoshop, but to no avail. I'm really happy with it, just those few minor things you can see it in annoy me. Otherwise, this is Elk Mountain, I hiked it on Thursday, took a ton of photos. The view is of Chilliwack.
Aaaaand, since I liked how the vertical panoramic came out when I hiked Lindeman, I needed to do it again at Elk.

I've been busy too.

Matt Daniels, the last of the main characters from the Travels of the Chosen One Fallout 2 fanfic that I've almost completed. He looks a bit freaky with the irises and pupils white, but that'll be fixed, obviously. He also looks like he's black with the stark white around it, but that too will be dealt with.


Other characters: Lysanna of Arroyo, Lara Bayley, Cassidy MacRae, Phyllis Brannigan, Chris Wright, Angela Bishop.

I've also finished the Snowpetal Twins, Hannah and Hinnah, from the Last Remnant:
