Ashdown + Sansamp BDDI ?


New Metal Member
Aug 25, 2007
Oslo, Norway
I just bought a Ashdown Mag-300R + Ashdown Mag-410T deep and I'm going to buy the Ashdown MAG-115 Deep for the extra lows. I've just looked in to an article about the sansamp BDDI and I liked what i read. Would this enhance my overall sound?
Without a doubt. The main thing I've noticed with it is that it really tightens things up. It brings out a much nicer clarity to all of my notes. I use it in front of an SVT3Pro driving a Peavey 810TVX and the difference is insane. The low end is still powerful, but there is no muddiness to it, and there is a nice low-mid boost that brings out the tonality of my bass line. We also run Shure PSM400's and without the BDDI, I can't distinguish my bass part in the mix, but with it, we actually can turn me down in the monitor mix. It will probably be the best investment into a bass rig aside from a quality bass.