Asshole Things My Friend Who's Getting Married On Saturday's Fiance Has Done

i wouldn't say that, amanda. it's just this ONE GUY pretty much. i've never met her dad but he is this fall river blue-collar guy who thought it was funny one halloween to dress up as "a black guy" complete with makeup and accent, so maybe for her husband she's psychologically being drawn toward someone like her dad.
- she works 60-70 hour weeks to pay for the wedding and he used their joint account to go to vegas for a week-long bachelor party and when he came back openly talked about two things incessantly: the size of the boobs of the strippers, and how much money he gave them.
- apparently is such a Nazi about being the one to drive, once she was telling a story about what she was drinking at a party and i was like "i guess Adam drove home!" and everybody gave me this odd look and finally Lisa was like "Alex, Adam always drives."
honestly, a long time! because the only POSSIBLE reason she has been with him so long is because it really, honestly, must be super-true love. she'll put up with tons of shit from him! (and she's really amazing/beautiful/great storyteller/witty, it's not like she'll be stuck without him)
if a friend of theirs gets ordained just so he can marry them, how can that possibly help make them feel any sort of accountability to stay in the marriage and work at it?

not that i'm saying people should not be able to be ordained if they wish, but i'd think it should at least be tougher than signing up online or taking a quiz or whatever. seemingly small things like "easy online ordainments" and "drive through divorces/weddings" completely make it way too easy for stupid people to make huge mistakes and think nothing of it without any sort of authoritarian involvement. not that i'm saying there has to be some sort of Religious-based leader who stamps an approval on their marriage, but at least someone who could maybe impress upon these people the importance of what the hell they're getting into. and religious-based leaders have been historically somewhat decent at this in my opinion- at least a lot moreso than nothing, which seems to be the standard today.

sorry, soapbox over.
well, they still would need to get a license and everyting. the officiant is basically acting as the official witness.

my wedding was done by an online minister, so hmpf!
oh, i thought you were talking about his desperate hypermasculinity.

i would agree in principle, eric, but they're having a HUGE, significant wedding. it doesn't matter so much if a rabbi or a friend marries them, but this isn't a quickie affair at all.

this is america. the money they're spending is impressing into them NOT to fuck this up. sad but true.
for some reason reading this thread has made me so so so so sad...

If I were you I'd plan an "intervention" for your friend (though admittedly it might be a bit late now). I mean Jesus Craps, man.

No seriously, nobody's tried to tell'er that maybe she's making the biggest mistake of her life?!"?$%&/%
Not to overdo it or anything but some of the stuff you wrote literally dropped my jaw. I quite simply couldn't believe it. Kinda stuff that's funny in an exaggerated or caricatural context but that gets downright scary in reality.