Asshole Things My Friend Who's Getting Married On Saturday's Fiance Has Done

i think the only thing i exaggerated was the "two days" breakup--it might have been five days or even a week, but it happened before i knew her (i met her in 2000) so i just heard about it from friends who knew her then and they said "two days".
see this is where jake has the last laugh.

only in boston, long island, hartford, providence, NYC, philly, DC and all of NJ, folks. only in boston, long island, hartford, providence, NYC, philly, DC and all of NJ. i repeat...
that's exactly what i'm talking about- he didn't even know what church he got the certificate from? how does that help set up guidelines for their marriage? shouldn't there be some sort of more advanced leadership-type teaching person involved to at least figuritively impart wisdom?

i dunno, it just doesn't make sense to me for ppl to enter marriage basically on their own, with no sort of guidelines to help their marriage "make it" that are talked about beforehand. the 12-week course we took has helped a lot, and forced us to talk things out beforehand about planning for the marriage, communication, etc. it's honestly the best thing we could've done, and i can't imagine getting married without doing something similar.

i'll shut up.
i dunno, i'll almost certainly get married in a catholic ceremony, but i'm not staking my wedding on my officiant. i don't think you're even supposed to traditionally. he just performs the ceremony.
yeah, i can't see how this'd work for them-
eventually she will make this really good red snapper asada dinner with all these interesting side things and he'll be all "ME WANT ARBY'S BITCH!! YOU GO GET IT WHILE I WATCH THE PLAYBOY CHANNEL AND SEE SOME REAL WIMMENS." and she will stab him.

sorry, i was supposed to shut up.
Reading this, I hope this couple doesn't have any kids cause they're gonna be screwed up having that womanizing jerk as a dad.

Cruel to say, but your friend seems to have a major lack of self-esteem issue going on. If she's all that you say she is, she could really find someone better. But then it's her issue; she has to be the one to wake up and dump this guy like the trash he is. Little chance of it happening, but maybe she'll come to a realisation before the wedding.
Nah, it's not em gays who are eroding marriage. Straight people did it a long time ago.

I think homosexuals should get married. Then they have equal opportunity to screw up their lives like the rest of us.
- acted as umpire for his adult softball league while also playing on a team. made several questionable calls. finally one blatant "that's a home run" for his team which had been a foul for every other team caused the situation to come to a head and he was roundly denounced, but it was the last game or something so nothing came of it.

he got an e-mail from one guy "this real fag" who said "you ruined this entire softball league/season for everybody". undoubtedly true. he made fun of the letter writer and laughed it off in front of us. he guffawed; nobody else laughed. trish said "oh, adam" sadly.

(she promised to forward me the email; he saved it and shows it to people. i'll post it if she does)
- went deep-sea fishing with trish. she caught a huge fish and he caught a hotdog-sized fish. got rid of all the pictures that showed the two of them with both their fish together because they were "humiliating"