Asshole Things My Friend Who's Getting Married On Saturday's Fiance Has Done


My (gun nut) friend Tom's response to this:

Who the fuck puts a SCOPE on a scattergun?!?!

Also, tell him to take his finger off the goddamn trigger when he's
not even looking where he's pointing his beloved bad-ass night-
vision scoped 12-gauge.

He is indeed a fruitman.

you fucking fag
you have a mustache
you hang around with men
and stare at thier ass

you're the gayest guy i've ever seen,
you play on a softball team,
you're the biggest fag i've ever seen,
you play on a softball team

your team's sponsored by a gay bar
and you've got team pride
too bad most of your team
all got a.i.d.s. and died

--Seth Putnam, "You Play On a Softball Team", album: "I Like It When
You Die" (1997)
does he know who john wayne bobbitt is? (this sounds pretty similar)

and i'm listening to that same AC song right now...
thinking of that i need to switch music