Astrology, spiritual ant other alternative stuff

Oh, and btw, seeing bryan here reminded me of saying something.

Sunstorms CAN'T mess with the earth's gravitational field. Since it's generated by spinning MAGMA.

Also, the mayans were advanced, but they didn't get wiped out by spaniards for no reason. WE know more, kthx.
ok :p i really need that this Capricorn + aquarius relationship to work out :lol: i need tips :p
people born in the sign of Gemini love to talk a lot, they lead life "on the fast lane" and dislike leading a slow, boring life. they dream of equality and most of them remain child-like all their life.
they don't respect social norms or tradition, and love to travel, experience new things and changes... most women born in this zodiac are very beautiful :)
they appreciate beauty in every sense, and always need to look the best they can - so they might be considered superficial (which is not the case, because a lot of them have the tendency to search for higher levels of spirituality, and they are mostly warm people).

Maybe I'm being biased because all of those things sounded so pleasant, but I find them all to be true about myself. I'm a gemini born june 12th, 1984. I love how openly I live these days. I just backpacked through Europe and bullet trained all over Japan last summer. I go out to live events, clubs and dancing non-stop. I'm really into fashion, working out and eating healthy. I've been on a deep spiritual path lately too (please, let's talk about this more if you'd like). I like how astrology or any discipline expands knowledge about ourselves and the world, but I kind of disagree with it sometimes because it's too vague and generalized. People try and learn the "secret of man" and will come up with anything they can to make them feel more secure about their knowledge of others. Our upbringing, environment that we are raised in and other unique synchronistic events in our lives lead us all to be different in someway even if we were born the same day! A lot of the time we don't even know ourselves!

keep in mind we're all different and each one of us has different experiences in life and have developed a different personality, but we are all the same in one aspect

"In saving one life, we save an entire world"

"we are all in the same river, but seperate".
most of the religious stuff in zeitgeist was made up bullshit but the whole FR and CRF etc. etc. is hella true, the 2nd zeitgeist is very good as well. im obsessed with conspiracy theories, illuminati, freemasonry etc. everyone watch loose change as well its about 9/11, best 9/11 conspiracy movie out there
The only thing I need to get is more patience to be able to put up with your failed attempts at trolling.

And English language, for that matter.
The only thing I need to get is more patience to be able to put up with your failed attempts at trolling.

And English language, for that matter.

Easy boy easy, put yourself together man :lol:, I only made a joke, I didn't mean to hurt you, it was just a merely joke :p.

You're aging faster, you can't stand a simple joke :cry:.

Ps. But anyway you must show her who's the man :heh:.