At Last!!!!!but Not The Least!!!!!

Mar 14, 2004
Ancient Europe
Hey all,
At last my registration has been successfully completed!
I am Antoine, a French Anathema freak.
I am glad to be here and i hope we'll be able to talk about a lot of exciting things!
for all the "slsk freaks" I am "ANT abbath"
Ah ah ok so thank you and see you very soon!
Bye bye :headbang:
By the way, does anyone know when the new Finntroll is gonna be released?
I am looking for it but i only bought the mini-CD and the album was previously expected these days. :erk:
Who's going to Paris for the Anathema gig?
Ok, but do you think it will still be possible to find some tickets at the end of April/beginning of May?
By the way, this band -Notion Left- is quite good. I downloaded a song and i liked it.
french_anatheman said:
By the way, does anyone know when the new Finntroll is gonna be released?
I am looking for it but i only bought the mini-CD and the album was previously expected these days. :erk:

New Finntroll is already released, couple of weeks ago.
eup said:
New Finntroll is already released, couple of weeks ago.
Unfortunately, i did not find it! :erk:
I just found "Trollhammaren", which is the mini-CD, but the album...
You must be right but i don't know why i did not find it yet.
Quite a good review though my French is very rusty at best. To celebrate a new member I thought I would post an interesting story:

NEW YORK (Reuters) - Two gay lovers took off most of their clothes, climbed up a tree in New York's Central Park and spent four hours engaging in sex acts and yelling abuse at police and firefighters.

AP Photo

Police said officers talked the men out of the three story high tree on Thursday night after the parks department had sent two cherry-pickers and firefighters had deployed an inflatable rescue mattress.

The couple, described by officials as a 32-year-old transsexual with female breasts wearing a purple thong and a 17-year-old boy in white boxer shorts, were admitted to the hospital for psychiatric evaluation.

At one point during the standoff in the larch tree -- an evergreen with pine-like needles -- the 32-year-old rejected a police officer's offer of a can of soda.

"This is a Coke. I wanted vanilla Diet Pepsi," he was quoted as saying in newspaper reports.

On Friday, police charged William Rund, 32, and Christopher Montero, 17, both of New York, with reckless endangerment, resisting arrest, criminal mischief, public lewdness and disorderly conduct.
nice one!
"mention spéciale à la gent féminine, venue en grand nombre"... hm, there were quite a few girls on the gigs I saw too but it wasnt so much... the worst was in Bochum tho, these 2 groupies standing behind us and screaming all the way... terrible, they destroyed all the magic... and were chatting all the time about how sexy vinny is.... aye.... remember that cerulean?
Hey ! Yo cousin de la Bresse ! Le concert de Paris is almost sold out ! You must acheter ton ticket at Virgin megastore as soon as possible, there are only très peu qui restent !