Atlanta has 3 months of water left?

Ouch!!:OMG: Is all I can say.

This will definitely put a cramp in local Atlanta folks lifestyles. Also could cause an increase in costs this coming PP9. Comments anyone?


I think it was W.C Fields who said "I would never drink water. Fish Fuck in it."

The only water I drank the last time I was in Atlanta was as a component of beer.

So...for some of us the "no water" thing is not a problem. :lol:
I think it was W.C Fields who said "I would never drink water. Fish FuckSo...for some of us the "no water" thing is not a problem. :lol:
Do you not shower or use the bathroom either? :p

No water is one of the most serious problems we could have in our modern society. I'll put it this way: water is the one thing everyone takes for granted - they don't realize how invaluable it is until they don't have it anymore...

Do you not shower or use the bathroom either? :p

No water is one of the most serious problems we could have in our modern society. I'll put it this way: water is the one thing everyone takes for granted - they don't realize how invaluable it is until they don't have it anymore...



I'm also thinking of the things like washing your clothes, car, and anything else a person may do. Also think about the big companies that use lots of water to produce their products. Like Pepsico or Coca cola. The fact that they will have to reduce output and shift bottling to other parts of the country will increase costs. It all rolls downhill sadly.
Ouch!!:OMG: Is all I can say.

This will definitely put a cramp in local Atlanta folks lifestyles. Also could cause an increase in costs this coming PP9. Comments anyone?


NC is in the same boat, Raleigh's main source of water, Falls Lake, is seven feet below normal. We're scheduled to run into big water issues in January.

Now, two hours to the east is a very large source of water... the Atlantic ocean. If only someone had the forethought to build de-salination stations...
Well, droughts happen, they always have and they always will. We are at the mercy of mother nature. Here in atlanta there is alot of water being wasted on people's lawns and such. We actually have a lawn watering gestapo here now...until it gets better we will just have to make do with less and less and try and figure out ways to get by. The Army Corp. of engineers has actually been funneling a ton of our water down to other locations despite the drought as well, which is absurd and compounds the situation.
Yeah, Purdue sent a nice letter to the ACoE telling them to shut the water off, or limit it to a percentage, which is what should have been done months ago. I'm tired of watching my own stuff just because the other areas we feed don't feel like it. Methinks this is going to go higher up the chain, and will probably effect the lawsuits against GA, hopefully in our favour.
The county I live in Virginia (Stafford) is under a SEVERE drought alert. Unless we get some substantial rain soon, we'll be out of water in about 3 months as well.

If the resevoirs do dry up, we can buy from the town to the south of us (Fredericksburg), but I'm sure they'll limit the amount of water they'll sell, and it won't come cheap!

Bottom line - WE NEED A HURRICANE QUICK to dump some much needed water on us!
Been here in Raleigh since '89. This is by far the worst it has been since I have been here. Not going to be pretty anywhere if the east coast does not get some substantial precipitation over the next few months.
Do you not shower or use the bathroom either? :p

No water is one of the most serious problems we could have in our modern society. I'll put it this way: water is the one thing everyone takes for granted - they don't realize how invaluable it is until they don't have it anymore...


I bathe in the love of my supplicants...and spew my waste into their eager, eager mouths...
I live in the 'high mountain' desert of New Mexico. The city lies atop a giant aquifer. For years now, that aquifer has been slowly containing less and less water. It's snow pack that relishes and benifits an aquifer the most, and we have not seen lots of snow here the past 5 or so years. The skies areas have struggled. This past winter we did see some nice snow fall, so we were in much better shape this past summer.

We still had our Green Drop or Red Drop days this summer (no watering at all on a red drop day) but at least we didn't have water rationing. In past years we could only water on certain days of the week based on your address, even/odd, combined with the green/red drop deal. If you were caught watering on the wrong day you were slapped with a nice little fine. Another reason why people have switch to Xeriscaping their yards.

We also have in place year round a water usage watch in place. I don't remember exactly how it works or how it was originally figured out, but basically if you use over a certain amount of water each month, the rate you pay goes up for those units. And if you have water running down the street, you'll get a nice fine for that if you get caught.

New Mexico is currently moving faster on finding ways to remove and purify water from the Rio Grande river that cuts thru the state. We just need to be sure to leave enough for Texas, as they use it as well. But there again, it's all based on winter snow pack up up north.

It's rare to see anyone washing their own car these days, it's almost like a taboo. The car washes all recycle the water so most people just use them anymore. I used to have lush and beautiful gardens in my front and back I just have rose bushes in the front and low water grass in the back. No more flowers that take water every other day. I cram as much clothes as I can into a wash load and I never use the dish washer. I just fill the biggest pan/bowl that is dirty with soapy water and wash dishes that way. (I live alone so there is never that many anyway!)
Just of note....a dish washer these days uses very little water and in comparison to most who do dishes by hand, uses much less water.
Yes, but living alone, it would seriously take me weeks to fill it up enough to use, and I'd need something that was sitting dirty in it way before then. So that is why I at least use the -don't fill up the sink with water to do a few dishes-approach.
i have a friend in australia who has to take like 5 min showers or something along those lines cause of the water restrictions
I think all of metro Atlanta is now under a complete outside watering ban (no washing, irrigating, sprinkling at all), but up here in Barrow County, we were on a complete ban for a month or so before everyone else had to follow suit. The primary reservoir for the county is getting alarmingly low.

The good news? Since it hasn't been raining much, the huge I-85/GA 316 construction project is actually AHEAD of schedule! :heh: