Well the show was last night and it was amazing! The guys just blew me away with their intensity and precision. Without a doubt the best concert I have ever been to in my life. The set list was exactly the same as previously mentioned in other threads and even knowing what was coming couldn't prepare me for the explosion that was Symphony X! Let the kings of progressive metal rule forever!!
Agreed 100%.
The show was amazing and I am happy to say after seeing them for the first time...I won't ever miss them coming around here if I can help it.
About the show? Honestly? The bands before hand were all "meh" to me except Sanctity. The first two opening bands were just...opening and then came Echoes of Eternity. I was really getting into the music pretty hardcore 'cause the guitars were nice and chunky...and then the singer came out. To keep it nice, I'll just say I liked the other musicians.
Sanctity was pretty bad ass. Not completely my style of music with their Metallica/Trivium sound but it was entertaining nonetheless. The front man knew what was up also, which made it pleasant for me. Being very humble, telling people to pick up folks that fall during moshing (they were quite hard enough), and just an all around cool dude.
When Symphony X FINALLY came out (which took close to 20 minutes) I was really pumped up until I noticed that the fuckin' intro tape for Oculus was skipping.

I was pissed, whether or not it was their tape or the sound at this place, that was bad lol. During the first song or two you could tell Russell seemed to be angry at the techs/sound guys because he'd look to the side and angrily yell something. I'm sure he got over it though because the whole night he was drinking straight Cap'n Morgans on stage and an occasional swig of water lol. Obviously the sound wasn't the best at first but it got better finally when they were about halfway done with Paradise Lost which was amazing live. The main song I was there for was of course, The Walls of Babylon, and they delivered it quite well. It was a little slower than it is on the album but it was still hard as shit. - funny story about this song is when he goes to sing "Skies of Red-Winged Thunder" line...I was praying he'd be able to hit the note and when it came he took it down and growled it so I was QUITE disappointed and since I was right by the stage I gave a very disappointed look to Russell and he looked straight at me and gave a "Okay, I get it" face, which was awesome...because the next time he sang it he fuckin' blew that shit out as high as ever and I screamed for my life givin' him those crazy patrick swayze eyes w/ the horns.
Highlight of Russell for the night was him thanking the fans and asking whether or not he was really in America b/c he didn't think it would ever be like this after a five year break and just thanked the fans for all the support from the U.S., which he referred to as his home. And he repeatedly told us how amazed, pleased, and grateful he was that so many showed up because however long ago at Progpower it was a "weak" show and he was stoked that we were all there and said we blew that show the "fuck" away.
The highlight of the show, before the Odyssey was during Sea of Lies where around the 2nd chorus the band stopped playing and Russell was doing the whole "you guys do it loud etc" and we did, which he obviously hated because he dropped the mic between his legs like a limp dick lol and when he did the mic broke!!! This made the whole night better because he dropped it and started yelling without the mic on the very tip of the stage "Alright, Fuck this mic!! I wanna hear all you fuckin' dudes give me all that you got...including all the moms, dads, titties, asses etc..."
Long story short, he kept yelling without the mic and had us screaming soooo loud three or four times getting him pumped up as hell (still without a mic...just mad yelling) and they broke back into the ending of the song when the mic got fixed backstage. This made my night.
...after we all chanted "Odyssey" to get them back out for the encore, they played it blah blah blah which was amazing. Until during the first, slow part where Russell sings I heard Romeo screw up the time on the guitar and Russell got off on his vocals lol he looked over at Romeo and they both made quite hilarious faces like "Oops, lol" Other than that the rest of the show was great. Although, it seemed not alot of people know the words to the whole Odyssey except me and only a few more. I didn't care though, it was all mind blowing
Back to the quality of sound, it was okay the whole time, not great but bearable. The venue sucked a dick, so I feel safe saying that was the reason...and I'm sure at a nice place they sound 10x better. Could barely hear Pinella over the rest of the band, as usual...and during Lepond's amazing Sea of Lies solo at the beginning not NEARLY enough people gave him the credit he deserved...I was disappointed...theres much more to this band than Allen and Romeo.
Finally...after the show I waited about an hour before any of the guys came outside of their bus and started signing shit and talking to the fans. Russell was cool to talk to, very typical rock star dude w/ beer in hand and a cigar in mouth. Pretty cool dude in general for sure, a bit ego'd out but I expected it seeing how good he is. However I'd love to just chill after a show one day where he's not bombarded and talk for a bit so he'd be a little more personable. When the other band members came out I went up to Romeo asking him why they dropped King of Terrors and his reply was simply, "dude, hehe, theres just too much new shit now, you know?" I agreed because I definitely understand...even though I'd drop fuckin' Smoke and Mirrors in a heartbeat lol...anyways. Romeo was fucking cool as shit to talk to. Very normal and personable. Some dude handed Romeo his cell phone and was like, here man it's my friend he didn't get to make it 'cause he had work" and I said "dude, that's fuckin weak...we all did" which is funny cause Romeo said "Yeah dude, wtf, that's fuckin' weak bro" on the phone...which was freakin' hilarious. Very, very cool chilled dude. Would love to chat w/ him sometime again for sure. On to Lepond...who was more gracious than any member of any band I have met to this day. Very quiet and VERY humble and polite. I really enjoyed just telling him how incredible he was and thanking him for getting out on stage and still putting on a great show. The dude thanked me like 4 times, he was amazing...really awesome guy. Rullo seemed to be in a rush, or maybe it's just his style. Very quick with words and shy it seems..funny though, but I still had to get his Sig.

. Pinella was just like Romeo, except talked more b/c he wasn't as swamped with people around him. I talked with him for about 5 minutes just 'cause I didn't want to be annoying as some other people were being (people were definitely asking and taking up everyone else's time to get like 25 items signed...was QUITE annoying..) It was cool though because even though there were people like that Pinella was like "here dude, we've been talking this guy can wait..you've been kind enough to" which was badass.
So, after talking briefly with all of the members, I left very happy with an autographed poster signed by all members. Very pleased indeedy.
Only real dissapointed thing about the show was that there was only Large and XL shirts for sale at the booth, which sucked. Nice variety of shirts though for sure...all old and new. No posters for sale though that I saw...I just stole mine off the venue's wall
Questions/Comments? I had a blast, great show, best I have ever seen by a longshot.