Atmospheric music?

Anathema are really great Atmospheric Doom, in particular the albums "Pentecost III", "The Silent Enigma", and "Alternative 4".

If you can find the song "Kingdom", check it out, it's awesome, has like an 8 minute buildup for a 2 minute heavy bit :D
Originally posted by markgugs
Excellent list Daniel!

I'd also add Falkenbach, Pazazu and some Enslaved to that.

How could I forget Enslaved???
And I might as well add Bathory - Twilight of the gods at the same time.
Originally posted by Eirik
a lot of the songs off King Crimson's debut album In The Court Of The Crimson King...

like Epitaph or the title track..

:spin: /me is proud :spin:

Summoning -- excellent!
Sigur Ros -- beautiful.

If you like chill out, or at least wanna try it out -- I have a lot to offer.
Ulver is also great, and also pink floyd and some of dornenreich also.
Ambient stuff are very atmospheric, imho.
Artists like Edgar Froese (thanks Itay!), Pete Namlook, Robert Rich, Biosphere and more make very quality atmospheric music.
